We were totally spoiled with gifts and help from our friends. My maid of honour got us this amazing picture puzzle of my favourite picture of us! From my parents we received a beautiful frame, with pages like a book, that we can put our wedding photos in. Dan’s mom matted and framed one of his drawings, I can’t even believe how amazing it looks (they are both so talented). I got a wedding organizer from my cousins (and brides maids), which made the wedding look a little daunting to Dan, but will help us out so much as we get more and more busy.
The best thing though, was just having everyone together. I am so, so very lucky.
Today I start my evil, 52 hour work week. It’s already off to a terrible start, but I’ll survive and hopefully have a whole wack of time off to re-cover.
Dan is off but got up to warm the car up for me. He’s a keeper.
1 Comment
marquee hire
March 17, 2011 at 11:13 amWedding celebration is likely that the fact that it takes more effort invested in planning and flow. There are several ways to make this special night in memory long, issues are a common choice to give your party unique. You can also try to plan in a special collection of more. If your heart is not already in the house of his parents or the rose garden of your dreams may be the opportunity to try something more unusual.