I just started wrapping my Christmas Presents to go under my tree… Dan picked up red and silver wrapping papers today and I was so excited to come home and wrap… However, as usual, I totally forgot to ask him to get tags! So… with the help of Picnik, I made my own personalized Christmas Taggies. Voila!
Over the weekend I made the snuggliest Leggings out of fleece back knitted fabric. I am going to make some little sleep shorts for sale and will post pictures of the leggings tomorrow!

I left work a little early (a little being 5 hours) today because things were so slow… Tonight I will try to finish some Christmas knitting and some flower broaches. I spent most of the day in wedding day dream land… I keep re-thinking my colour schemes but am finding some really fun things on Etsy!
Speaking of Etsy, check out this great Treasury, Meet me under the mistletoe. So dreamy and romantic! Exactly how I’ve been feeling lately, especially since we’ve been practically snowed in the last two days.
Because we were snowed in, I finally got around to having a painting lesson from Dan. My painting turned out way better than I ever anticipated, and now I have a great gift idea for someone special! I can’t wait for Christmas!
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