I took last Friday and Today (Monday) off of work to sew and do some wedding planning and general life maintenance that I have been neglecting. I got my first hair cut in over a year on Monday, took the dog to the vet for his heart worm check up, sewed like a mad woman, cleaned then made everything messy again, and am meeting with the caterer today.
Wedding planning has not been horrible for me. I’ve enjoyed the process… but I’m ready for it to be over. Day job + Ohhh Lulu + Wedding + Life is getting to be too much for me, I hate to admit it. I feel like I’m running out of hands to juggle with!
We were supposed to go to Quebec to visit Dan’s Grandmother next weekend but plans fell through. I was looking forward to being away from my computer for a few days…
Today I’m finishing up 5 more orders. I have not had time to start on anything new, unfortunately… I’m looking forward to getting some new items up soon (I hope) and am talking to someone about a wholesale deal for a little boutique in Europe…
I guess I’m getting stressed because the minute I check 5 things off my do to list, I think of 5 more to replace them.
How do you balance life? When do you draw the line and decide you need to cut something out of the mix? I like everything I am doing right now, but I am tired! And in need of a vacation…

Dan and I are planning on spending our honeymoon in this cabin (hopefully) in Algonquin Park. No running water, flush toilets or showers… it’s pretty rustic, but it will be nice to get back to nature for a few days. September can’t come soon enough! I can’t wait to get away…
1 Comment
June 22, 2011 at 5:34 amHang in there! Wedding planning is just stressful- that's why people pay other people to do it for them! I was like you and did a lot of personal touches myself and with some family help. Try not to sweat the small stuff too much. Both of my sisters are engaged, and I tell them it's a wonderful day, but it's only 24 hours just like every other day. It's over before you know it, and that's when you can settle in & relax a little. You are doing a beautiful job with pretty little touches