We are back after the most fun wedding and relaxing adventure of a honeymoon. We travelled north to Restoule Provincial Park where we ended up staying for a few days. I used to stay here as a kid, and it was even better than I remember – quiet and serene… we woke up to the sounds of loons every morning and were even greeted by a pair of deer on our campsite one afternoon. We eventually found our way to Killarney – It edges onto boreal forest and is part of the Canadian shield. It looked just like a painting – absolutely beautiful, pink granite and white quartz contrast against the green trees and orange maples…

Over the whole trip we saw countless Deer, raccoons, chipmunks, squirrels, some bears, grouse, beaver… I’ve never seen so much wilderness on a camping trip. Next year, we are hoping to be brave enough to try some back country camping. It was pretty cold this time, going down to 0 degrees Celcius at night, but it was totally worth it. There is nothing better than hiking around a forest by day and sitting around a campfire by night.

Yesterday I made a point of going to the Oro Worlds Fair… The Worlds Fair is something I used to do as a kid every year – and if you grew up in the country, as I did, I’m sure you understand how exciting a Worlds Fair really is. We used to enter Cosmos from our garden, handmade doll clothes, chocolate chip cookies. We’d go and see which duck & chicken won the red ribbon, and guess the weight of a cow for our chance to win $500! I was happy to see the fair had not changed a bit, aside from the addition of a Canine Agility show. The local elementary schools still submit the same adorable crafts and drawings, and people are still submitting Cosmos from their garden…
After the fair we started “winterizing” the apartment, in attempt to save on our energy bills this year. We bought lined curtains for all of the windows, peel-off-caulking to fill in cracks and drafts, plastic shrink wrap for over breezy windows. Our apartment is about 700 square feet and costs a small fortune to heat during the winter…
I’m pretty heartbroken to be going back to work tomorrow… I had too much fun over the last week. The wedding was so much fun, and I will write more about that a little later. Our photographer was absolutely amazing, and I hope to work with her again in the near future.
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