I am no longer allowed to complain about the weather… at least until it starts getting too hot. We had unseasonably warm weather last weekend, which was great because we went out of town for a wedding, which happened to be outdoors. It was absolutely beautiful, one of the nicest weddings I’ve ever been to, so full of love and personal touches. The groom was an old friend of Dan’s who I hadn’t met yet, and I’d only had the pleasure of emailing back and forth with the Bride. The ceremony & vows were so sweet it actually brought a tear to my eye! It was wonderful. Totally made me want to have another wedding.
The location was pretty far, about a 3 hour drive for us, so Saturday was a pretty long day, considering Dan worked in the morning. We left the wedding around midnight, crashed at our Motel. I couldn’t sleep, which isn’t unusual.

We woke up really early on Sunday, packed our bags, and headed into town for breakfast. I thought Orillia was small. Goderich, which is on the edge of Lake Huron, is very, very small, and pretty remote! It’s a beautiful town though. Staring off over Lake Huron feels like you’re looking over the ocean, it is so vast.

We took a very long, very winding way home, up around the lake. I think it took us about 5 hours in total to get home… Along the way I saw a sign for “Eugenia Falls.” I remembered a few years back, my parents, brother and I decided to head out for a family road trip and went to “Eugenia Falls.” We quickly took the turn up an old, desolate county road and followed the signs. It was just as awesome as I remember. The area is fairly hilly, though not nearly as rocky as the area just north of us, so the landscape is really unexpected. The other side of this canyon is a sheer drop off, just one flat rock wall. In the picture below, you can see a tree leaning dangerously over the ledge…

The coolest part of Eugenia Falls is this abandoned shell of what I think is an old mill (?). I have to admit, there was a sign, but I didn’t read it. A few years ago, Dan’s mom gave Dan a framed print of a photo she had taken of some graffiti. It turns out that she had taken the photo here, because we recognized the exact piece. The building is very cool, but has started to crumble a bit since I was there last.
As we got closer to Collingwood, the views from the hills were amazing. We were surprised to see snow still on the ski hills, considering it was 28 degrees Celsius! We pulled over at an Entry Point to the Bruce Trail, and took a bit of a walk. The view was amazing! I love driving across Ontario because the landscape changes so drastically. It is such an amazing large province.
Our weekend away was exactly what we needed. Everything was just perfect. I think it gave me a little perspective over my life, and the importance of work/life balance, which I’m still trying to get a grasp over.
This week will be busy. I am pretty caught up on my orders, just two stragglers to catch up with this week, but I am also preparing for a photoshoot at the end of the month. I am meeting with someone from a local fundraising group this morning, hoping I can get involved in a local Bra Decorating event, which I am looking forward to. I am also looking forward to hopefully another weekend of great weather, because Dan and I are planning our first camping trip of the season! I think this might be the year that we try backcountry camping.
May 6, 2013 at 4:40 pmAlthough today is kind of yucky (overcast), it's been rather pleasant these past few weeks and I can't agree more – it's been great.
No one's life is perfectly balanced. Mine sure isn't 100%. But I'm okay with that. I liken it to walking a tight rope – you're going to sway left and sway right but as long as you're still standing, you're still balanced.
Christina Marie Kellogg
May 6, 2013 at 9:48 pmVery nice scenery! Glad you were able to take some time away, and that is was a good time.
May 7, 2013 at 12:45 pmSo glad you managed to get away for the weekend…what beautiful (yet isolated) scenery! Absolutely stunning!!!