Happy / Sad.
We are moving!
Happy: we found a beautiful older home just out of town that is spacious, with a big yard, lots of gardens, and in a great community. We are excited for a new beginning!
Sad: leaving our first house feels bittersweet. Every day I curse that it is too small, the kitchen is hard to work in, I hate my old yellow bath tub… but we have put so much of ourselves into this house, I feel a little sad leaving it! Like the lilac bush my mom got me for my first mother’s day, and the hand-me-down peony bushes…
We move the first week of December, which is approaching way too fast. I’m excited to get into our new house, but have way too much on my plate right now.
The new house was built in the 1930’s and has many of the original features. On the downside, it’s a old house that needs some repair and updating, which is always scary to take on. I’ve been busy the last little while getting quotes and information on some of the repairs that need doing. I feel out of my element, but it’ll all get done…
I’m very excited to get settled in. I’ll have an even bigger studio space. Dan will have a room to set up his easel and paint. The backyard is filled with gardens and will have lots of room for Isabel and Oliver to run around in. It’s got a beautiful sun room where I picture having morning coffees in the summer. It’s in a lovely little community, just outside of town, similar to where I grew up. I certainly have many wonderful memories of small “village” life growing up, and I hope Isabel will make lots of great memories here too.
November 13, 2015 at 7:20 pmHappy moving! I can totally understand your feelings. We are in the process of buying land so we can build a new home. I really don't want to move, but our current home doesn't fit the needs of my hubby any more in terms of his hobbies and lack of space, so I've succumb to the fact that moving will ultimate be better even tho we build this house 15 years ago and my heart is here. I really don't want to move, but trying to embrace what the Lord has for us knowing that all will be okay and I might actually like it better than where we live now. Your new house is darling, such beautiful architecture! Happy moving!
November 13, 2015 at 11:05 pmCongrats on finding a great house (I think that is the hard part!). My only advice in moving is label, label, label! With the labels and my check-sheet, I knew what was in every box and where that box was!! The neighborhood sounds wonderful!