What the heck happened to April? And where is May going to so quickly?!
I have so many fun things on my to do list right now, but I’m currently procrastinating. It’s tax season and I’m already a little late (as usual). I don’t do my own taxes, but I do need to prepare my expenses and income, etc, which is always far more complicated than it needs to be… and I really just hate doing paper work like that. It’s not my forte.
Today I’ve managed to make a vet appointment for Oliver, grocery shop, run 5k, have a nice coffee with my cousin, put away my groceries (that is a feat!), clean some old food out of the fridge… and now I’m blogging instead of working on my taxes. Because procrastination, that’s why.
Last week I released a few new items. As I mentioned earlier, I’ve given up on seasonal collections… while my pieces may still have a seasonal feel, I’m concentrating on just creating things I like, when the inspiration hits! I am finding this to be so therapeutic for me. Constant creation keeps my mood up, keeps me inspired, and excited about what I do.
I’ve been playing a lot with my Celeste, Jasmine, Claudia, Ultimate Lace and Ava patterns. They seem to be my “go-to” patterns. They are such a great base for experimentation, and in my opinion, extremely comfortable. Note to self: I should make a pattern bundle for these!
One of the (many) things on my to do list is to create some add-ons for my Jasmine Bra Pattern. I’ve really loved the look of those bralettes with a cutout at the centre front, but I found with a larger bust it created some awkward gaping and pulling. So, I altered my jasmine pattern so that it has a mesh-insert at the front to mimics that look while still achieving stability between the bust. I’m so, so, so happy with how it turned out. I’ve got some thinking to do as to how I will adapt it as an add-on, but it is on my to do list!


Look who crashed my photoshoot!
My obsession with lace, especially two-tone lace continues. The black and silver lace I used for my Effie set was actually a bit of an accident. I bought 20yards online thinking it was a solid black. I was surprised when I opened the package… but not upset!


The last thing I want to mention is that I am planning a SWIMSUIT SEW ALONG! I just purchased my fabric this morning (pink flamingo print!). It will take me a couple weeks to get everything in order, but I plan on using either my Cindy Pattern or Jasmine and Ava… I haven’t quite decided yet, but I’m leaning towards Cindy. I made myself a Cindy bikini last year that I wore SO MUCH, and it’s a relatively easy and forgiving sew for an underwire garment. So, if you want to start scouting out some swimwear fabric, now is a great time. Spoonflower‘s Sport Lycra is my current go-to for swim fabric.
On a personal note, life has been so busy lately. My best friend Abbey’s wedding was two weeks ago and it was absolutely beautiful and perfect. Where I live has been experiencing some flooding due to non-stop rain so we’ve been diligently monitoring our basement (we flooded last year). I have a bunch of projects planned around the house (painting the exterior, new soffit and fascia…), gardening to get to, mom-duties, and I’ve got a goal of running 10k by the end of the summer (I’m already up to 9k!). But I’ve got lots of Ohhh Lulu stuff I want to fit in there too… I’m honestly picking up my Camisole Pattern again that I shared on Instagram MONTHS ago. It will be ready soon… and I have a really wonderful bodysuit pattern that is also almost ready to drop (and actually would also make a great swimsuit now that I think of it…).
But for now… I’ve just gotta focus on my damn taxes!!!
May 9, 2017 at 10:55 pmHave you used/swam with the Spoonflower Sport Lycra? I’m assuming those are US prices? Ouch. I know a swimsuit doesn’t take too much but it’s still a lot with exchange and shipping. Just about all the swim fabric I’ve bought from Fabricland has faded terribly though, so it’s hard to know what to do….$15/m at Fabricland but it lasts a year, or $50/yd but it’ll last (hopefully) several years.
May 10, 2017 at 1:59 pmI’ve worn my Spoonflower fabric into the lake a lot last summer, and a couple of times in a pool. Colour hasn’t faded and it has stood up to multiple washes! Spoonflower fabric is definitely on the pricier side, but it also supports indie designers and the design options are endless so I find it to be worth the cost! You can now fill a yard too, so you can put multiple prints on one yard of fabric which is pretty cool.
May 10, 2017 at 2:00 pmhaha and I am in no way affiliated with spoonflower, I just genuinely like them! I re-read my comment and it sounds like an advertisement.
May 15, 2017 at 5:01 pmThat’s neat you can put multiple patterns on one yard. Good to know the fabric is worth it!