Exciting news! I am now a contributor to the Craftsy Blog.
I published my first post last week, which outlines some tips on how to sew lingerie on a regular sewing machine. Can you believe I started sewing lingerie on my mom’s 1970’s Singer on my dining room table? Well, I did!
I’ll be contributing a couple times a month and have so many ideas about topics I’d like to cover. If there is anything specific you would ever like me to cover, please let me know in the comments for via email! I can’t always reply to every message I get, but I do read every single one.
Nothing will change over here! I’ll still be bringing you new tutorials, hacks and inspiration through my own blog, but Craftsy will be a great sewers resource!
1 Comment
Emily Kitsch
February 24, 2018 at 4:17 pmI love your posts on the Craftsy blog! They’re so helpful and were awesome to read after spending the last hour watching your Youtube tutorials.