Can I tell you about the difficult month I’ve had? Actually, it’s been a couple of months. First, our roof leaked which led to a huge unexpected home repair. Always stressful right?
I don’t talk about this much, but I have a brother who has had some pretty serious struggles with addiction and lately things have been very stressful with him. Anyone who has loved someone with an addiction will know how hard it is. I don’t want to get into details, but all I want to say is my heart hurts and it is a constant roller coaster ride and it takes up a lot of my emotional energy worrying about him (and my parents).
I had an ultrasound a few weeks ago that found some sort of “mass” on my uterus, so that’s fun. I’m sure it’s nothing but of course my brain goes to the worst case scenario. Bodies are the worst, right?
Then, we had a huge wind storm that knocked a gigantic, and I mean GIGANTIC tree down. It actually lifted up right from the roots. Luckily it ended up falling onto another tree just before landing on our brand new, very expensive roof. Nevertheless, cutting it down wasn’t a job that we could do… So we had a tree guy come out, who spent half the day slowly removing it. But we were left with a lot of wood which we’ve spent the last few weeks chopping, stacking, and trying to desperately give away! We have enough for bon fires for ages… On the bright side, I do like roasted marshmallows and now my backyard gets a lot more sun!
In the midst of this, we bought a car. “Old Goldie” as we affectionately called our 2002 Honda CR-V, was on her last legs and we knew it was just a matter of time before she literally fell apart (oh the rust). So we found a good deal on a new car, less than a decade old which for us is like living in the future. Gosh, this car is beautiful. However, driving back from puppy class last week it stalled on the highway and refused to start. I was stuck on the side of the highway with an overtired 3 year old and a wound-up puppy. Turns out, somehow a teeny tiny piece of cigarette foil (ugh… cigarettes. Could they be any worse?) got stuck where the engine air filter should have been (oops) and caused some kind of problem that Dan explained to be very calmly. Anyway, at the end of the day my genius husband (who is a mechanic) fixed it and saved us a tow. But it was stressful after the couple of weeks I’ve had.
So… I’ve been stressed. Ahh… It actually feels good just to let that all out.
I also have a ton of projects that are half started that I need to focus on and complete. I often have so many ideas and I get so excited about each of them that I start them, move on, then never finish them. Right now I’ve got 4 patterns on the go, a really exciting collaboration with another lingerie designer in the works, another top secret project, an art project… all of them started, none of them completed. Oh yeah, and I guess I better file my taxes (again, started that, but never finished). As much as I enjoy starting these projects (not taxes), it stresses me out having so many things half done. Why do I do this to myself?
I did manage to almost complete a couple of things. I posted about my Supply De-Stash yesterday. So many things have already sold out! Thank you every one who visited the sale, I hope you found something special and I can’t wait to see how you use them!
The other thing I’ve almost completed is a One of a Kind Lingerie (and more) Sale! I’ve been wanting to list these pieces for a while. Some of them I’m having a hard time with the idea of letting go, particularly the pastel satin set, but these one of a kind pieces deserve to be loved and worn, not just tucked away in a box.
A couple years ago, my friend Susie was trying out selling some items in her salon. I made up a few pouches and make-up bags, and I had a few left over so I’ll be posting those soon. I kept a few for myself and Isabel to use as pencil cases, but I’ve got more pouches than I can use. I really love these!
Some of my one of a kind pieces are prototypes, others are custom orders that I realized before shipping to the customer that I made them wrong. Oops. This is something my scatter brain does way too often than I’d like to admit. I just get so excited to jump in that I sometimes overlook details… the bra below was one of those oopsies. It was supposed to have black lace…
Other pieces, like this harness, are pieces that just didn’t quite make the cut into a collection. I also have a couple of slightly flawed pieces. Every once and a while I’ll finish a bra or a sleep mask then promptly cut a hole in the lining… sigh…
Here’s to pretty new lingerie, and hopefully some better luck for me (pretty, pretty please). Although I woke up this morning to find a puddle of water under my fridge… so if you need me, I may be out fridge shopping…
Melody Anderson
May 19, 2018 at 10:12 amThat is a lot of things that have happened or are going on that obviously would be very stressful for any of us. I wish you good health and patience for all that happens that is beyond you. I hope you get lots of sales to help with all of the pricey stuff. Take care and happy sewing from Iowa
Emily Kitsch
May 19, 2018 at 1:59 pmI’m so sorry to hear about all of the difficulties you’ve been having lately. *hug* I really hope things start turning around and that the mass isn’t anything serious. I’ll be keeping you and your family in my thoughts. <3
Also, your sales are so exciting! If I weren't absolutely broke right now I'd buy a whole bunch of stuff, but I'm going to share the links with my readers!
Hannah Glade
May 22, 2018 at 11:33 pmWhen it rains, it pours!!! I really hope it’s done “pouring” for you, you definitely deserve a break! Thanks for sharing with us, it really does help to let it all out sometimes. And also, hopefully the mass is something benign. Xoxo
Aaron Smith
July 24, 2018 at 1:15 pmI am sorry to hear you have gone through rough times. I am sure everything will get better and many positives things will come. Take care!