I’d like to start this post with some random, anxious screaming! Ahhh!
I can’t even believe how fast the last few weeks have gone by. I have 9 more lingerie orders to cut, sew and ship before baby arrives. Silk scrunchies and sleep masks are still on the go as usual, and I’ve even been adding a few new colours and prints.

We had a bit of a scare on Sunday – nothing serious but it seemed like the baby was coming much sooner than anticipated. My whole “plan” was to finish work by the end of July, giving me 10 days or so to finish up loose ends around the house. Well, as we all know life doesn’t always go according to plan. I ended up spending the afternoon at the hospital with contractions coming every 3-7 minutes! You can breathe a sigh of relief though. Baby decided to stay put… for now.
That little scare did give me the kick in the butt I needed to finish up a few projects, but now as the week is coming to a close I’m feeling pretty drained. On the bright side, basically everything I need for the baby’s arrival is done. And that really is the most important thing.
This weekend I’m running a sewing pattern sale here and on Etsy. If you’re shopping here, use coupon code Solstice20 to get 20% off your order. If you’re shopping on Etsy, no code is required, everything is already marked down!

I’m also preparing a couple of new patterns and add-ons, including a nursing bra add-on for the Jasmine Bra and some super comfy faux-wrap maternity panties. I say they are maternity” but in reality they will fit any body state. They just have a super low rise front to accomodate a growing bump. As you can see from my photos, ain’t nothing going over this bump.

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