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sarah norwood

Glad that week is over!


Last week was one of those weeks where nothing seems to go very easily.

The original bathroom vs. our quick-fix floor and paint job when we moved in.

Last Saturday, Dan and I started tearing apart our bathroom.  We planned to put down new flooring, beadboard panelling over where we took down the tile, new baseboard and chair rail, a new vanity, and paint.  In my head, somehow I thought we could do much of this work over a three day weekend.  I don’t know how I thought we could do that, but in my head it all sounded like it would work out.  Having never demolished a bathroom before, I didn’t realize how LONG that process is.  I spent an entire day using a belt sander to try to get the old linoleum off the floor.  Basically, it took two full days of working just to get everything out, and we didn’t even touch the toilet or bathtub (those two fixtures are staying). Since we do only have 1 bathroom, I was in a bit of a rush to try to get it in at least working order again… that is one downside of DIY-ing and 1 bathroom living (other wise, we don’t have much need for a second bathroom, but I didn’t really realize how inconvenienced I would be without a sink and mirror for a week!)

What a mess!

Our bathroom obviously has hardly been touched since it was originally installed, and as a result, we found a number of “issues.” There had been a leak behind the faucet of the tub, a leak under the sink… all of which had gotten repaired at sometime but never properly cleaned up, which meant Dan and I had a lot of really gross clean up to do.  I think this is one of the downsides of buying a house that had been used as a rental for 20 years or so.  Things get patched and mended, but nothing gets done right.  Tenants may not tell landlords about an issue until it’s really out of hand.  Case in point, here’s what we found after we pulled out the old vanity.  A nice big hole in the floor, mildew, and other unnamed horrors.

EWW! Glad to have this taken care of!

Front page of our local news paper…. from 1981!

One of the biggest problems we ran into was installing our vanity and sink which was from Ikea.  Finding a reasonably priced vanity is not easy, and we looked all over.  I wanted something a little different and because our bathroom is quite large, we needed something that was proper scale for the space.  At the same time, we didn’t have much money to spend on this project so Ikea seemed like the best bet.  Something we (stupidly) didn’t account for is that our plumbing comes straight out of the floor.  I’m not sure why we didn’t think of this, but basically all of Ikea’s vanity’s have an open bottom or are floating. In hindsight, many of the vanities that we looked at at Home Depot, Home Hardware, etc, has open bottoms.   In the end, we ended up being ok.  My genius husband turned some pipes, worked a little magic, and voila! The the plumbing sits perfectly in the space behind the drawers and unless you get down on your hands and knees, you can’t even see the pipes underneath.  This did make attaching the sink plumbing quite a bit more challenging, but luckily my husband is basically a genius and figured out how to make it work.  I couldn’t even figure out how to assemble the Ikea pipes (plumbing is not my “thing,” I have learned).

The second problem with this particular Ikea sink is that it comes with special drain plumbing, which allows it to have full sized, fully functional drawers underneath.  It’s ingenious! But it also did not fit up with our pipes.  The ikea pipes themselves seem to be a slightly different size than standard.  We ended up having to go to a plumbing supply store, and they helped us find a fitting that went from 1 1/2″ to whateverthehell Ikea Pipes are.  It sounds like we aren’t the only ones who have had this problem.  I did some reading, and found another blogger with the same issue here.  So, if you decide to install the Hemnes Vanity with Rattviken sink, you’re going to need some speciality parts. That being said, it was still the cheapest & nicest vanity/sink that we could source in our area…

Ta Da!

It is nice to have a sink and mirror again! We still have quite a bit of work to do,  but I’m hoping we can finish most of it this weekend.  We are down to the trim, paint, silicone, put up some shelves, and decorate (that’s where I come in).  Oh, and that floor? I laid that myself! My first time tiling with grout… I’m pretty proud of that!

So, besides the bathroom that took over my life this week, I also am obviously working. However, last week my serger started locking up… something was wrong with the feed dog.  So I took it in and thought I’d have it back by the beginning of the week… and I still don’t have it back! Hopefully it will be back by next week.  That did put me several days behind though.  I was able borrow a serger from my aunt, but when I got it to my house, it had a broken needle! It is a White sewing machine, and I normally use a Pfaff.  The White is very different from my Pfaff.  You need Allen keys to remove the needles, the threading (to me) is quite complicated, the tension and stitch adjusters are different.  It took me almost 2 hours + you tube tutorials just to figure out how to use it! I felt like a total newbie! But, now that it is up and running, I’m getting back on track. Just about a day behind on orders… So, that is what I will be doing while Dan works on the bathroom this week.

Income tax time is also approaching way to quick, and in typical Sarah-Style I’ve left it until the last minute.  Since my serger was broken, I thought I’d work on that.  However, when I moved my Quickbooks over to my new Windows 8 computer, something happened with the date/time settings which would not allow me to import my Paypal data over as I had done in the past.  I kept getting a message that “data was NOT” imported. So I’d fiddle with the file, try again, etc.  Pretty soon I had hundreds of duplicate transactions,and entire weeks missing! I went to restore from my last back up, but when I did that, many of the transactions were still there, which totally make no sense.  I spent two and a half days trying to figure this stupid thing out.  I called paypal about the errors who said it was Quickbooks fault.  I called Quickbooks who said it was a problem with Paypal’s files. I tried a third party software (who actually has amazing customer service), and was still having issues.  Finally, I proclaimed “F*%# YOU!” and gave up.  Now, I am trying to use Wave, which looks perfect for my accounting needs, but I still can’t connect my Paypal Account.

So, this week is one of those weeks where I had a number of things to do, and as a result of equipment failure, I’m feeling stressed and overloaded.  On the upside, I will soon have a nice, clean, new bathroom. We have a play date with the Pug group at an agility center.  Oliver is nervous of other pugs (I chalk it up to him being self-conscious about his unusually large size), but loves the equipment.  And, it’s Dan’s birthday on Monday! I won’t say how old, but I will say, the best think about being with someone older is you always feel young in comparison (haha!).   Hope everyone else has had a less frustrating week!

Happy ‘Wear Fancy Lingerie’ Day! I mean… Valentines Day!

I have turned into the worst blogger.  I used to spend so much time here, and I miss it.  I really want to get back into blogging again, but am having a hard time getting back into the flow.
Today is Valentines Day.  Dan and I are both working today, and bright and early tomorrow morning we will be starting to demolish our bathroom! I am very excited. We have already removed half a wall of old, floral harvest-gold tile and have stripped the room of all the fixtures.  We are not re-tiling, but instead are putting up beadboard panelling, and a new tile floor.  We are also installing a new vanity/sink and have no idea what we are doing.  Luckily, Dan is a pretty smart guy so I am sure he can figure it out.  For me, this is an awesome Valentines Day Gift… as good as fireworks for my birthday!
Two weekends ago I re-did our bedroom.  It turned out amazing! So I have high hopes for the bathroom, although it will be much more work.
Otherwise, I’ve been busy keeping up with orders and finishing up new items.  I am going to do another shop overhaul soon, and have been experimenting with new backdrops and learning a bit more about photography as I go.
I also recently has my lingerie featured on CTV Ottawa Morning, which is a tv morning show here in Canada.  Etsy Canada was on, showing wares from different Canadian Sellers.  If you’re interested, you can watch the clip here.
Happy Valentines, everyone! I hope you get the chance to wear something pretty, drink a glass of wine (or rum and coke if you’re like me), and buy yourself some flowers!

Sample Sale Time!

I cleaned out my studio a while ago and found TWO big bags of samples… some are original pieces… some are things I sewed to test-wash… other are things I made and didn’t like enough to put into a collection… and a few are things that I made, mailed, sent half way around the globe never making it to the customer, only to come back to me months later (There is a mail-wormhole in Russia, I swear)… So, I’ve acquired a lot of stuff over the year! It’s going to take me a while to post it all, but I’ve been plugging away each night, so keep on the look-out for something special! I’ve got a variety of sizes, but most are Smalls and Mediums. You can see what I’ve posted so far HERE

Sample Sale!

Works in Progress

Our house is an ongoing work in progress.  We haven’t done much around here over the last few months, besides clear out some old junk and finally decorated the living room (it looks just the way I want it!).  I am pretty happy with the look and feel of our main floor (besides our foyer and dining room which need work), so now I’d like to tackle our bedroom (which currently looks like a college dorm room, full of mix and match furniture), and our horrendous harvest gold bathroom.  I had put off doing much decorating, and kept making excuses like “*sigh* money” or “I don’t know how long we’ll stay in this house” (I’m a mover), and “*sigh* time,” but over the last few months I’ve come to the very important realization that I need to do those things that make me happy.  And a pretty house makes me happy.  And I need projects, because when I sit still for too long, I go crazy…
So, I’ve come up with a look I like for both rooms.  The Bathroom will be the trickier of the two.  It is currently completely tiled in white and harvest gold floral tiles. There’s a large, water damaged, vanity which we will replace, and a harvest gold bath tub and ivory shower surround, which although ugly, is actually in pretty decent shape so I don’t plan on changing it quite yet… I would like to tear down the tile and replace it with nice white bead board.  Our bathroom doesn’t get very wet or steamy so I am hoping this will be ok…  We will retile the floor (right now it’s just the cheapest stick-on vinyl tile), and install a new vanity.  I am thinking about painting the walls a very dark blue.  Our bathroom is pretty large, considering the size of our house, and it’s rather bright.  I hope that combined with the white beadboard and the light coloured tile I would like to install, that it won’t come off too dark… but I would like it to be dramatic! I have never really painted a room in a dark dramatic colour, so I’m a little nervous! I’m really looking forward to having a nice bathroom.  I love bubble baths… I have one every day, so it will be nice to relax in beautiful surroundings.  Harvest Gold Sponge Painted Roses are not conducive to relaxation.
Left to Right: Dark blue bathroom on Apartment Therapy,  Bathroom with rustic vanity via Pinterest, Painting by  John Atikinson Grimshaw (Moonlight Wharfdeale), Shelving & wainscotting via Pinterest 

Our bedroom will be much easier… just a matter of paint, a headboard, and some new furniture.  Right now we have a falling-apart Ikea dresser, and a bed with no headboard.  Our room is very small, so that is also a challenge, but we’re lucky to have a good size closet.  We will get a new dresser, one that actually fits all of my clothes… and I’d like to make a headboard out of old barn board.  Funnily enough, we have been talking about taking down our garage, and the wood that it is made of would be perfect for the project… I want to pair it with shades of dark brownish grey, gauzy linen curtains, and a little crystal chandelier. I am really, really, really looking forward to getting our bedroom done.

I have previously found decorating slight stressful because Dan and  I would often have a hard time seeing eye-to-eye on certain decisions.  It always frustrated me because Dan would never approach me with ideas about how to decorate, but when I started making suggestions, he seemed to have a problem with all of them. I was really surprised how much we would argue about decorating! We both definitely had pretty strong feelings about it… Anyway, I’m not sure if he just decided to stand down (I am very convincing!), or if I am being more compromising, but lately we have agreed on nearly everything which is amazing! We recently bought a new couch for our living room and both automatically agreed on the same one, and even the same upholstery. It was a Christmas miracle.

There are still so many things to do to this house, but because I’m not 100% sure how long we will stay here, I’m hesitant to work on the things that are more labour intensive, like tearing down all of the panelling in the foyer, stairwell and hallway and replacing it with drywall…  When we first bought the house, we were pretty excited about all of the DIY home improvement things we’d get to do, but what I’ve learned over the last couple of years of living here is that Dan and I do not have the time to do most of them! We have time to do painting, and some aesthetic things, but we just don’t have time for larger projects.  We both work very long hours, and rarely even get two days off over the weekend… So, the next house will hopefully be more updated than this one.

Brand Spanking New

So… I opened a pattern shop!
Over the last few months I’ve been working on 12 new patterns – 3 bras, 2 garter belts, 1 camisole, and 6 panties.  I have sewed soooooo many samples of the last several weeks.  I don’t even want to see another scrap of muslin again (for a week or two!).  My new shop, Ohhh Lulu Sewing Patterns & Supplies is now where you will find all of my patterns, and soon where you will be able to find some harder to find supplies, like elastics, garter straps, hook and eye tape, bra backs, small quantities of fabrics… and eventually kits! I still have quite a bit of work to do before I get supplies ready, but that is the plan!
Ohhh Lulu Sewing Patterns & Supplies

Over the next few days I hope to organize a give away (or two, or three) and I’m having a Grand Opening Sale! Use coupon code HappySewing2014 in my Pattern Shop and get 10% off your entire order.  Offer Expires on Monday, January 13, 2014.

The Anna Bralette – my personal favourite.
Greta High Waist 6-Strap Garter Belt

New traditions

A couple weeks ago there was a sale on at my local fabric store.  I picked up a few yards of this fleece-backed knit.  I thought I’d make myself a sweater… the weather was turning cold, so I thought maybe I’d make Oliver one too.  When I mentioned to Dan that I was making Oliver and I matching sweaters, he wanted in on the action…. so, I made him one too.  Then we decided that we had to capture the moment in a perfectly cheesy family photo, and a new tradition has been born.  Acually, it’s the first Family Christmas Tradition ever for us, and I think it’s a pretty good one. It also gave me an excuse to cut off Dan’s bush-man beard to a more suitable length…
Oliver looks particularly embarrassed here.

Oliver was as cooperative as I would have expected him to be.  We set up the camera and tripod and timer, and rushed to get everyone in place.  At one point, he heard the cat run up the stairs, so of course he had to bolt after her, barking all the way.  Here I am cursing at him!

“Oliverrrrr! Come back here!”

I made Dan’s Sweater using the Strathcona Henley Pattern.  It turned out really well, and I think I will make Dan more (less cheesy versions) of these.  I did Oliver’s sweater to match, with a little button up placket.  It’s just the cutest. Now, if only I could convince him to wear it more often…

Christmas just isn’t going to be the same this year. It’s definitely not the Christmas I imagined it would be a couple of months ago.  But, starting new traditions, and doing things a little differently is definitely making it easier.


I never, ever imagined that going through a miscarriage would be like this.  Right now it’s just at the point where everything is just awkward and it feels like it lasts forever… I ran into a friend a couple of days ago who I had told I was pregnant about 13 weeks in.  We ran into each other at the grocery store and exchanged hugs and hello’s.  The thought didn’t even cross my mind until halfway through our small talk, and it hit me “ugh.. he thinks I should be big and pregnant right now, and I’m totally not.” I didn’t even address it.  I brushed it aside. It’s been just over two months since everything happened, and most days are pretty good now, which is great, but I still have these moments where I realize “I should be pregnant now, and I’m not.” It’s such a weird feeling.  Like never reading the last page of a novel… Absolutely no closure.
Dan and I decided to stay in this Christmas.  We will visit with his parents in the morning and then head out to my parents for the afternoon. We were supposed to visit his Aunt and her husbands family in the City, but I felt like it might be too much for me right now. I think the thing I am dealing with the most at this point is that I just feel so awkward around people, and I think people don’t quite know what to say to me.  I am socially awkward enough as it is!
This morning I popped over to the Etsy forums to see if there was anything new and important I should know about and right there, on the discussion board, in big bold letters was a random “I’m Pregnant!” announcement. I’m not really sure Etsy is the venue to be announcing your pregnancy, but there it was… I shut my laptop and got another cup of coffee (one upside to not being pregnant, lots and lots of coffee). A girl I know is due in March, another girl I know just had a baby.  Newborn babies and pregnant ladies… everywhere.
I am still angry.  I’m less angry now, but there’s no denying it, and I don’t think that will go away anytime soon.  I have this feeling that there should be some sort of universal justice, but there’s no finding justice in this situation. I know universal justice isn’t really “a thing,” but I can’t get it out of my head. I feel like it should work itself out like a math equation:  Really Bad Thing  + Really Good Thing = Universal Justice   
I think the thing that hit me the most with this whole situation is how horribly and universally unjust life can be. Life is full of such terrible things.  Babies get born unwanted, babies die, people abuse animals, people get sick, people are starving, horrible things happen… Ugh, life! You’re such a cruel bitch…
I speak in hyperbole.  Terrible things do happen, but small good things are going on too and we all get on with our lives. There’s not much other choice!  Business is sustaining itself at a reasonable pace, and I have some potential opportunities coming my way.  I’m looking forward to a low-key Christmas and got Dan a really great present this year. I made a donation to my local Humane Society and feel really good about that.  I started working out again and have lost 15lbs and physically feel better than I have in a long time. I’ve nearly completed a knitting project (a sweater for Oliver). I started a new Christmas tradition, making matching sweaters for Oliver, Dan and myself. And, today I’ll be spending the day with three of my favourite people, my mom, my aunt, and my cousin, doing some Christmas Shopping.  
I dreamed two nights ago that Dan and I moved to Oregon. How weird is that? I’ve been craving a change of scenery. I’m hoping Dan can take some vacation time soon and we can go on a road trip.

Sleep Tight!

I just realized this morning that Christmas is coming very, very fast.  Too fast, in my opinion.  I’d happily bypass Christmas all together this year… Just not feeling in the festive spirit this year.  Maybe that will change by the time we have a good blanket of snow on the ground.  But, I did have a bit of fun this week making and photographing some sleep masks which are perfect for holiday gift giving. I think I has as much fun propping the photograph’s as I did making them!!  All of them are ready to ship, so If you’d like to order one as a gift for Christmas, you will need to order by  December 9th for US delivery, December 2nd for International Delivery, and December 16 for delivery within Canada.
Yesterday I also started planning several new patterns.  I am contemplating a cami / slip, a new bralette, and a couple new panties patterns. I got interrupted though when my roll of grid paper unfurled and spilled a full cup of coffee all over my desk (and pattern binder!).  UGH! 
Cabin Fever



Rustic Plaid

It snowed!

I woke up to quite a bit of snow this morning, so much so that the City even had to plow the sidewalks! Personally, I like the first snow. Oliver, on the other hand, is not such a fan.  He hates to get his paws wet, so going out for walks can be quite a pain.
I am spending this lovely, snowy morning posting some new items (finally), and doing some general business ‘housekeeping.’  Now, I’m taking a bit of time to spend with my blog.  I don’t write as much as I’d like to even though I have lots that I’d like to say.  It’s all a matter of time!
Last month, I had the opportunity to work with a young photographer out of Quebec, Mlle Chevre.  I was really excited about this opportunity because I have been wanting to connect with more Canadian artists.  I sent her a box of goodies and she took some amazing photos of my fall / winter items.  She did an amazing job organizing everything, and the models are perfection
Gingerbread Lingerie Set
Photography by Mlle Chèvre ( )
Make up by Audrey Lavigne (
Modeled by Emilie (

Winterblossom Flannel Lingerie Set
Photography by Mlle Chèvre ( )
Make up by Audrey Lavigne (
Model is Daphnée (

Wintergreen Velvet Lingerie Set
Photography by Mlle Chèvre ( )
Make up by Audrey Lavigne (
Sonia (tag or link )

Cranberry Lingerie Set
Photography by Mlle Chèvre ( )
Make up by Audrey Lavigne (
Emilie ( )

Cranberry Lingerie Set
I still have a few more things to come, and more things up my sleeve!