I’m just going to say it. So far summer has sucked. It rains all the time. It’s cold. Our furnace still runs. It’s June. C’mon.
That being said, it looks like some nice weather may be approaching. I want to go camping. We have gone out for a few hikes over the last week. Oliver is becoming a real outdoors man. He balances across logs, has no fear of the mud, he does all of these things he used to be afraid to do. It is wonderful. He loves it.
I have been feeling stressed lately, lots going on, mostly good stuff, but still stressful. Being outside, wandering through the woods is the best medicine. I really hope we can go camping soon. I want bacon and eggs cooked over a Coleman Stove, and S’mores and hot dogs cooked on a stick over the fire. I want to stay up late and talk and stare at the stars, then crawl sleepily in to the tent and snuggle with my husband with the sleeping bags zipped together and the dog at our feet, and wake up bright and early with the messiest hair and drink too-strong camping coffee with powdered creamer… Camping is just the best.
I have a few fun things coming up. Next week I am making a trip to Wonderland, an amusement park outside of Toronto, with my cousins and my best-bud, Abbey. I am really looking forward to it. I love the rides, and the funnel cake.
I also have a birthday coming up soon, and thus far I have no plans (still). I am contemplating treating myself to a mani-pedi and hair cut & colour… maybe having a few people over for a BBQ. I dunno. I’m not a party person (I also only have like 3 friends here lol). I gotta do something… It’s stressing me out.
I have also been working on some pieces for Finery Boutique, and trudging through my backlog. I am at least staying within my 8 week production time, but my goal is to get it down to 4-6. I keep reminding myself of the “fast, good, cheap” adage, and that you can only achieve two of those three things…
On that note, it’s time for me to get to work. I hope everyone has a wonderful week!
Yesterday ended up kind of being a write-off work wise. My stomach was in knots about having Oliver at the vet, so I wound up taking a friend of mine, and his little boy, out to a few of the hiking trails just outside of town. That kid is a trooper, he hiked for hours! We had a great time. It was nice to spend the day outdoors, kept my mind off my poor little dog.
Today I will bundle Oliver up in his bed and catch up… It’s rainy and cold outside so I won’t feel like doing much else.
In other news, I finally upgraded my crappy old Blackberry to an iPhone, which came in the mail on Tuesday. It is nice to have a phone that I can actually work from. I was ready to throw mine out the window. I was paying an arm and a leg for a data plan that I could barely use wtih my old phone. Cell phone plans in Canada are ridiculously expensive… The fun thing about my new phone is I can finally get on Instagram.
Lastly, Anna is hosting a Give Away for my Lola Panties Pattern! The Give away ENDS tomorrow, so get on over there and enter!
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Before & After! Not much left to do, except for the plants to grow. |
I planted many more perennials this year, most of which I was able to take from my mom’s gardens. My yard is very shady, with the exception of a few spots, so it was kind of challenging to plan the garden. I mixed my vegetables in with my flowers instead of doing separate beds, and I planted wisteria to grow along the lattice on our back porch. I am surprised at how well it was doing, I didn’t really think it would take here…
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Our garden last year, next to our garden this year. |
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A work in progress, that garage needs to go! |
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Oliver is wondering which plant he should crush next. |
Oliver is not taking well to his new diet. He is such a stubborn dog and he hates change (Dan and Oliver are so a like!). He refused to eat for a day and a half, and finally ate last night around 7 after Dan coaxed him into eating. The worst part for Oliver is that he can’t have any treats or bones right now until we get his potential allergy thing figured out. I feel bad for the little guy…
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Our pebble path and fire pit |
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Love these flowers, they look like jelly fish |
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My rhododendron in bloom |
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Our new-ish front door! |
I’ve gotten out of the habit of blogging! I like to blog a few times a week – it’s theraputic and I love writing, but I’ve fallen off the bandwagon. I haven’t been able to sleep the last few nights. I got up around 4:30 this morning and got a head start on some work, and now finally have some time to devote to a non-lingerie related post.
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Playing with the Kong in the pool |
Today, Dan and I are heading up to our old High School today. It is being closed, so they are having an open house for former students. I’m really looking forward to a little nostalgia. I am one of those rare people who really loved high school, though I was definitely not a popular kid. But, I had Latin Class and Latin Club and German Class and teachers who nourished my little mind and a library full of books with comfy chairs and a small group of weird, artsy, goth friends, and it was just a wonderful, enriching time in my life. I walked past the high school a few weeks ago, and it was so faded and worn out. It was a little sad to see a monument of such a fondly remembered time of my life in a state of disrepair. I really hope to see my Latin Teacher there. Though I didn’t end up pursuing a career in the classics, as was my original plan, she had a huge impact on my life and my interests and opened up a whole new realm of language to me.
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Sleep Tight |
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Adrift |
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A Classic |
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Nautical Trio |
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Navy |
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Chrysanthemum Photography by Franey Miller (http://franeymiller.net) Modeled by Alida Makeup by Cassie Lynn Young Hair by Jade Mulgrew |
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Chrysanthemum |
I’m not even sure where to start… I completely overhauled my Etsy shop this weekend. I had so many old pieces, with photographs I wasn’t 100% satisfied with so I took an inventory, re-shot old pieces, and added a ton of new items. Basically everything in my shop is new, save for a few old standards. I don’t even know what to show first.
I had the pleasure of working (remotely) with a photographer currently based out of Louisville, Franey Miller (http://www.franeymiller.net/). She, along with a very talented Makeup Artist, Hair Sylist, and Model, did an amazing job capturing exactly what I was feeling with my new pieces. I just love, love, love these photos to pieces. I wasn’t entirely thrilled with my last collection. I felt under pressure to make new items, and wasn’t feeling inspired by anything in particular. The result were pieces that were nice… but not really cohesive, and not entirely ‘me’. I am much, much, much more happy with these pieces. I have introduced a new style – a brazilian cut panty (kept these samples for myself, I LOVE these), and some cropped camisoles. I added more basics, I branched into Neon, I added more nautical. I focused on the fun, quirky things I love.
So, I think I’m out of my funk. I think I worked right out of it. I am happy with my shop – everything looks consistent and ‘me.’ I played around with my camera more, and tried some new techniques. I am happy as a clam.
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Rose Cropped Cami Photography by Franey Miller (http://franeymiller.net) Modeled by Alida Makeup by Cassie Lynn Young Hair by Jade Mulgrew |
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Rose Panties |
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Honeysuckle Cropped Cami & Linen Panties Photography by Franey Miller (http://franeymiller.net) Modeled by Alida Makeup by Cassie Lynn Young Hair by Jade Mulgrew |
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Sheer Mesh |
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Peony Lingerie Set Photography by Franey Miller (http://franeymiller.net) Modeled by Alida Makeup by Cassie Lynn Young Hair by Jade Mulgrew |
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Peony Lingerie Set |
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Bow Sleep Mask |
We took a very long, very winding way home, up around the lake. I think it took us about 5 hours in total to get home… Along the way I saw a sign for “Eugenia Falls.” I remembered a few years back, my parents, brother and I decided to head out for a family road trip and went to “Eugenia Falls.” We quickly took the turn up an old, desolate county road and followed the signs. It was just as awesome as I remember. The area is fairly hilly, though not nearly as rocky as the area just north of us, so the landscape is really unexpected. The other side of this canyon is a sheer drop off, just one flat rock wall. In the picture below, you can see a tree leaning dangerously over the ledge…
The coolest part of Eugenia Falls is this abandoned shell of what I think is an old mill (?). I have to admit, there was a sign, but I didn’t read it. A few years ago, Dan’s mom gave Dan a framed print of a photo she had taken of some graffiti. It turns out that she had taken the photo here, because we recognized the exact piece. The building is very cool, but has started to crumble a bit since I was there last.
As we got closer to Collingwood, the views from the hills were amazing. We were surprised to see snow still on the ski hills, considering it was 28 degrees Celsius! We pulled over at an Entry Point to the Bruce Trail, and took a bit of a walk. The view was amazing! I love driving across Ontario because the landscape changes so drastically. It is such an amazing large province.