Yesterday started off as a great day. I go through periods of slight insomnia. I sleep, I just don’t sleep well, so I was up around 4:45 with a cup of coffee, answering emails, doing some care taking around the new Etsy Team I am Co-Captaining (a Canadian treasury team), with the help of Kathleen, a very talented Canadian Artist (we both coincidentally were born on Canada Day, weird huh?). I even found some time to wash my hair, which is now super long and a pain to wash so I always put it off! By 6:30 I was in my new comfy swivel chair in front of my sewing machine.
I have had to retire many items from my shop due to a shortage of supplies, so I spent the weekend cutting out new samples. On Monday morning I worked on those, as well as a rush Valentines Orders. At 2:30 I went to sew some black elastic onto a bra when my sewing machine made this god-awful “crunch” sound. I do not use pins when I sew so I knew it was something bad. Alas! The timing went and crushed my bobbin casing… again…
I pleaded with the repair shop to sell me a new one after-hours. Coincidentally, I had just been in looking at sewing machines two weeks ago. I wanted one that did straight and zig-zag stitch and could withstand 8-10 hours of sewing, 5 days a week.
The sewing machine I use regularly is actually my Mom’s. My mom is a quilter and bought a beautiful Pfaff Expressions machine about 10 years ago which does a million and one stitches and will even cook you breakfast! It’s all digital and fancy, but has this timing issue, which has happened 3 times now over the life of the machine. It is an issue with this particular model. As a whole, considering how much I sew, I am very very happy with Pfaff. My mom’s machine is now in the shop and will be returning to me once it is fixed and cleaned.
So, my sewing machine family has grown rather unexpectedly, but I desperately needed a sewing machine last night and today, and now if my mom ever wants hers I can happily return it (oh, I will still be using it, it does everything), annnnd I can keep one machine threaded in black and one in white and work double duty! Now, if only I could clone myself and sew on two machines at once! I feel much less stressed knowing that if I were to have a machine problem, I have a back up…
I am actually pretty happy with this machine. It is non-digital which I have to get used to again (gosh, I’ve been spoiled), and the “reverse” button is in a different place, but over all it’s great. It feels like a tank. I’m looking forward to sewing on it today…
Ugh… so it was a stressful day. I really didn’t want to disappoint anyone on Valentines Day!