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I have been so busy! I love it! Yesterday  I met with a local woman who makes handmade cards, wedding invitations, and scrapbooks – she’s thinking of getting into the business of doing invitations through Etsy, as well as DIY scrapbook and card kits. It was nice to sit down with a fellow crafter!

The rest of the day I spent cutting orders, and replying to emails.  I seem to have, in the process, injured the middle finger on my left hand. I think it’s actually a cyst… but it’s bruised and large and awkward and…  I’m  big whiny baby, so I have to mention it! This morning my little brother is coming over to help me get some yard work done before the snow comes. We have a small lot – though in the grand scheme of city lots, I suppose it’s a decent size – with lots of leaves!  My brother is so handy and always good to help out when I need him.  Gosh, brothers are such a nice thing to have.


I am also preparing a bunch of new items – specifically new Cheeky panties, High waist Panties, and French Knickers & a couple new camisoles – because Cyber Monday is quickly approaching!!!

Blue Flannel

It’s only November 8th, and it is freezing.  We’ve only had one snowfall, but it didn’t stick around.  It’s just cold.  At least it’s sunny.  For me, if it’s going to be cold, I want at least the pleasure of seeing the pretty, white snow. I’ve been finding our little old house very chilly lately! 
Yesterday I went into the office to help out a bit.  It’s been a month since I ‘quit’ and I’m not really feeling like I’m breaking my ties very well which is frustrating.  I fully believe in leaving every job on good terms, as you never want to burn your bridges, but part of why I was leaving was because I just did not enjoy the job anymore, and there was too much stress worrying about TWO small business.  I still don’t feel like that stress is gone… I guess that will come in time.  I am an impatient person.
Warm Flannel Undies
It is nice having the extra time to devote to Ohhh Lulu.  I spent this morning doing some administration type things that I’ve been avoiding… It feels good to have them off my check list.
Warm Flannel Soft Bra
I’m starting to have a routine for my days off.  I start early, normally waking up between 6 and 7, reply to emails, walk the dog, do a little housework, reply to more emails, cut, sew, package, walk to the post office, make dinner…  It’s a pretty good routine, and I like the silence and spending my days alone.  It’s funny, I know many people who would go nuts spending the days entirely alone, but I really like it.  I like the quiet, I like to be lost in my own thoughts with no one to interrupt me.  I have enough going on in my head at times for two people, so maybe that’s why 🙂  I am still working long hours in front of the sewing machine, but I am feeling pretty grateful (though still very intimidated by the whole process).

And the Set together

ahh… a weekend!

This weekend I did something a little unusual for me… I hardly sewed! I shopped with my mom, went to a memorial with some old friends for a friend of ours who passed away ten years ago, then entertained them at my house for a while, I had dinner with my cousins, I sat on the couch and snuggled with Dan & Oliver for two hours, I started reading a new book, I watched movies, I wasted an hour on Pinterest…. It was so great! I am so excited about having weekends back in my life again.

This week, I am only going into work one day.  I guess it’s a slow transition into self-employment, which I guess is good. I think it’s going to take me some time to adjust. The whole idea of me governing my own time, all the time, sounds so awesome, but also really hard.  I think if you’ve been following this blog for a while, you’ll know that I’m a pretty dedicated, self-motivated person, but even with that, it’s hard to always make yourself get up off the couch in the morning, put down your book, set aside Bubble Witch Saga (I am so embarrassed, but I’m obsessed with that game), and get to work and stay at work.  I think that’s the challenge of working from home.  There are so many distractions.

Anyway, I am enjoying myself and have a so many thing so going on in my head right now, lots of ideas and designs and plans for the coming months.  I’ve got a few new pieces that I need to list in my etsy shop, and I’m hoping to  have some more cheeky panties styles to add soon too.  This set is one set that I’ll be adding. It’s my favourite pink satin covered in champagne coloured lace, with corset style bone casings (but no bones) over the seams.

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, everyone! This is one of the best days of the year.  An excuse to stuff yourself with candy and wear silly outfits. I hope we get a few trick-or-treaters tonight, or else I have a big bag of candy to eat…
A while back, I finished a large custom order for a lady who wanted a nice variety of vintage-inspired pieces.  It was a very fun order to sew – she gave me some indication as far as colours and styles as a starting point.  A few of the pieces she wanted were based of some of the my first pieces of lingerie, so it was fun to revive some older pieces.
I did a pair of mesh french knickers with a gathered satin waistband.  I really like this style band, it’s so pretty and soft.  To do a waist like this, I tear a 4″ wide strip of satin, the entire width of the fabric, fold in half with the right side out, and stitch my elastic casings (two of them, 1/2″ wide each).  I then cut my elastic to the desired length (adding an inch for overlap), and insert the elastic.  Because the elastic is much smaller then the casing, it begins ruching the casing.  I then press it, so all of the gathers lay flat, and sew it on to the garment. 

She also wanted a set in coral silk – I did a thong and cheeky panty to match.

And, this set, which I absolutely love.  The fabric is so pretty – dusty purples and greys with a lovely rose print.
Dusk Lingerie Set 

Natural Look…

It’s been a busy couple of weeks.  Last week, I trained my replacement.  She’s picking everything up quickly, my job really wasn’t very difficult… This week I’m only working two days there; Today and  Thursday. However, today I woke up with a splitting headache so I’m laying down, trying to feel a little better before I head out… Getting migraines sucks (and I don’t even get them that bad or that often), they can really interfere with your day to day life, because when you get one you really can’t do anything but lay in a dark, silent room until it passes.  I am incredibly lucky that if I take a handful of pills, lay down in the dark and sleep for a couple of hours, I can usually go on with my day.  But even after that, there’s the ‘migraine hangover’… I am starting to feel a bit better now (my migraines usually strike in the very early morning or late afternoon), but my eyes feel weir and it’s hard to concentrate…
Anyway, I should be counting my blessings, migraine and all, after seeing the pictures of the East Coast of the US… we are feeling just some of the effects far into Ontario, but nothing like what’s been going on in New York and along the coast.  I hope if I have any readers in that area that they are safe and dry.
Between sewing orders, baby sitting, and spending some much needed time with my wonderful husband, I’ve been trying a few new things.  I’ve wanted to have a bra with cups in my collection for a while now.  A few months back, I picked up a 1960’s “Natural Look” bra pattern that I based this off of.  The original pattern was kind of funny – it was incredibly small and meant for stretch knits.  I think it was actually a “training bra”, based on the size.  So, I sized it up, changed the band to accommodate woven, bias cut fabrics, made the cups slightly fuller… but kept that vintage look that the original pattern had.

I used my favourite pink satin, and paired it with a ruffle knit fabric.  I like this fabric, it’s got little sequins sewn in rows on it.  The fabric is very, very delicate though and would need to be carefully hand washed and stored…. Speaking of which, I am hoping to have lingerie bags soon, which machine-wash lingerie can be washed in, and delicate lingerie can be stored in.  This fabric, for instance  would easily pull of caught on a hook or a zipper, so storing it in a bag would keep it perfect, longer.

The back of the bra is like one of the first bras I offered – strappy open elastic… This was a common style back in the 50’s and 60’s, I think because it offered a lot of stretch, when using non-stretch fabric on the band…

She’s aliiiiive…

This last week has been so busy! We hired a new person to replace me at my day job and I started training her yesterday.  She’s far more qualified than I am for the position, so I have no double she’ll be running the show in now time. 
I’ve been busy sewing, sewing, sewing…! And, making new gift certificates just in time for the Holidays!
I wanted to make something beautiful and tangible that one could proudly gift on Christmas Day or Valentines Day or any other special occasion.  I know I always try to avoid giving generic gift cards (as useful as they are, and as much as I love to get them!), because they just aren’t very exciting to open… so, I designed these cards, with images from my collection on the front, and the pertinent information inside.  This is something I’d like to open on Christmas Day!



I also wanted to make something that wasn’t too terribly time consuming to make.  I hope these go over well for the Holidays.  I know I get lots of emails form husbands, boyfriends, wives, girlfriends, wanting to buy lingerie for their partner, but not having any idea what size to buy… so this should be perfect!


And the Winner is…

Congratulations to Amber, you’ve won a free pair of Ohhh Lulu french knickers!
Thanks to everyone who participated!

Just two more days…

Just a reminder that my 15% off all Made to Order Lingerie Sale ends on Sunday! So, if you’re planning to order, now’s the time.  This is a great time to get your holiday orders in!  Coupon Code is Spooktacular2012.
Shop Here
I will also be drawing a winner for the French Knicker Giveaway on Sunday! so get your entries in while you still can. 
Lastly, I did an interview with Anna on A Few Threads Loose yesterday.  Anna had some great questions, I’d love it of you hopped over and had a read!
Read my interview Here


I made these Velvet High Waist undies, and sent the sample off for a photo shoot.  I had originally planned on using white lace appliques, but I think the black is a little more elegant.  One of the things on my “to do” list, is to work with more photographers and stylists to get editorial shots of my lingerie.  I’ve been lucky to have been contacted by a couple amazing photographers and stylists lately, and I can’t wait to have the time to work with them!  I would really love to be able to work one on one with a local photographer and stylist (Toronto?) sometime soon!
Today, Dan and I are making the trek to Ikea. I am in need of some more adequate sewing supply organization.  You might remember I had previously gotten cheap rolling bins to store my fabric supply, elastics, laces, threads, etc… Well those are overflowing.  And I kind of knew when I got them that it would be a temporary situation.  Because my “studio” is in my open-concept living room/dining room, and I like to keep a relatively clutter-free living area, I’ve decided white bookshelves, with white bins will be the most unobtrusive way to store my fabric, thread and notions.  Plus, I can use the higher shelves to display my various antique treasures and books.  We recently bought a brand new coffee table and end tables for our living room, and now our living room looks awesome, but my studio area now looks even worse in comparison!  I’ve realized that when you really are running a business, you collect a lot of things… receipts, invoices, orders, tracking numbers, inventory, samples, business cards, patters…  I don’t know about you guys, but I have a very hard time working in unorganized spaces.  So… I can’t wait to have them and put them together and get my stuff arranged.
We are also taking our car in for an oil change today… which makes me laugh because my husband is a mechanic and quite capable of doing oil changes.  I guess it’s like how I never have hemmed pants…
And then, I need to swing by the fabric store to stock up on a few things… So it’s going to be a busy day!
Of course, I also have a kajillion other things I need to do… like finish up a very exciting custom order I’ve been looking forward to, get a few more orders done, and I’d like to work on some fancy paper gift certificates…  I love doing paper crafts.

It’s almost here!

Halloween is my favourite holiday.  It’s been a while since I’ve dressed up and actually done anything, but I just love all the creepy decorations, the scary movies, the treats, and that spooky eerie feeling.  I’m really excited about Halloween this year because we should actually get Trick or Treaters to our house! Since I’ve lived on my own, I have always lived in apartment buildings with few/no kids, so I’ve never had the fun of dressing up and handing out candy.
In August, Dan and I started Brainstorming ideas for costumes.  I love period costumes, so we had this great idea to make Late Victorian / Early Edwardian era costumes entirely out of ghostly muslin and cheesecloth, powder up our hair and faces and go as old-timey ghosts.  Halloween seems to be approaching a little too fast this year to pull that off… but maybe next year.  Any excuse to make a corset and a bustle!
I have to admit, I’ve spent a lot of my spare time lately browsing Etsy and Pinterest for Halloween goodies. I’ve got a good little wishlist going on…  
Sweet Petula La Nuit Soap

I think Sweet Petula has the most beautiful packaging.  I love the simplicity of it.  And, they have Earl Grey Tea Soap.  My favourite Tea in a soap! I normally am a Lush junkie, but I think the next time I stock up on soap, it’s going to be from here.

Ginger Melon Halloween Plushies PDF Pattern

 I am obsessed with Ginger Melon’s patterns.  I haven’t tried one yet, but they look so incredibly cute.  I don’t think I’ll have time this year to sew any, but she has some Christmas-y ones that would make great gifts!

My favourite Pumpkins, via Martha Stewart

I’ve bought 3 pumpkins already, but have not carved a pumpkin in years! I can’t wait… roasted pumpkin seeds, pumpkin soup…. I’ve seen so many adorable pumpkin carving ideas lately (like the mini-pumpkins with the vampire teeth).

In time for Halloween, we seem to be having some ‘ghostly’ phenomenon going on at the house, with our kitchen light being ‘mysteriously’ on when we wake up.  Most likely, my dear husband is forgetting to turn the darn thing out before he goes up to bed… but I love nothing more than creeping myself out, so I’ve let my imagination run wild in the spirit of the season!  In truth, I am the biggest skeptic, but there is a part of me that wants to believe in aliens (yeah, the grey kind), bigfoot, and ghost stories.

And, with that, it’s time for me to go! It’s freezing outside and I’m trying to put off my walk to work… which I can’t do much longer.

Have a great weekend everyone! I’m finishing up a big custom order this weekend and I can’t wait to show pictures.