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Whose got the Baby Fever?


I’m at that stage in my life when many of the people my age are starting to have, or already have little babies kickin’ around.  People are starting to ask, “so… when you gonna start a family” In typical Sarah-style, I am reluctant to the change…

Do you ever think back to how you imagined your adult life as a teenager?  Here’s what I pictured: I imagined I lived in a old-fashioned house that was somewhat in disrepair, but perfectly decrepit.  I had a creative type job, maybe even my own business, was impeccably dressed (I am working on that bit), wonderfully independent, went to dinners at fancy restaurants, and was able to generally do as I please.

Well, I’m practically there.  Throw in a husband I never thought I’d have and a pug that is the light of my life and I am livin’ the dream as they say.

As I get older (and by older, I only mean into my 30’s, still just a wee lass!), I have to question, “Where do kids fit into the mix?” or “Do kids fit into the mix?”

I love my life right now, especially with the thought of taking the leap into full self-employment. I love being able to save money for the first time in my life.  I love being able to fix up our house without too much financial stress.  I love being able to eat out at nice restaurants whenever the desire hits.  I love my independence, my time alone, being able to have nice things that bring me joy, the silence of my big old house…  Dan and I do not have an extravagant life by any means, but we have a wonderful, simple life together.

I am just having the hardest time seeing where a kid fits into this picture.  The idea of not having kids makes me feel horribly selfish for some reason, like I’m not fulfilling some kind of universal destiny. Also, everyone else is doing it!  There is so much focus on a very idealized notion of motherhood and children in the news, gossip mags, blogs, the web, I almost want to not have kids because I feel like it is shoved down my throat every time I turn around.

I never wanted kids.  I remember being a teenager, adamantly vowing that I would never have kids.  My mark on the world would be through my career, through art, through who I am. Teachers, friends, older people in my life would say, “Oh, that will change as you get older, the clock will start ticking.”  I’ll be 30 next year, and the only clock I hear ticking is the one that sounds like, “SO, ARE YOU AND DAN GONNA HAVE KIDS YET?”

Since I met Dan, who does want kids, I’ve entertained the idea of maybe having just One baby.  Just One. Me, Dan, and Little One (and Oliver). One seems kind of cool.  I can picture One.  One gives you time to have a life.  It’s easier to find a ‘sitter for One.  One you can spoil and dote over.  We could afford One.  We could pay for One’s college. When I brought up to friends and family that, “Yeah, you know, maybe we will start a family.  Just One.” I heard an overwhelming response “OH NO! YOU CAN’T HAVE AN ONLY CHILD!” Ugh… Goodbye One. I somewhat joke and I know that everyone’s advice comes from a good, loving place, but it just made me think, I don’t even have kids yet, this is just a glimpse of the type of judgement that mothers face.  Why would anyone willingly subject themselves to that?

I joke a bit about not wanting to have kids, but the truth is, it’s very difficult to talk about.  We still have this deeply ingrained notion that women are natural born mothers.  And it’s just not true.  A lot of women find fulfillment in places other than motherhood, just like some men are not fulfilled by careers, but by caring for children.  However, I think more so for women than men, there is a societal feeling that there is something wrong with a woman if she doesn’t have a desire to have children.

When I have asked for advice from friends and family, I usually get the same generalized, rather unhelpful response, “Once you have kids you’ll see, your life will change, yadda yadda yadda…”  What do you think? Anyone else out there not keen on the idea of kids (sticky hands! Milk everywhere!)? Who else is bothered by all of the judgement surrounding motherhood (you don’t breastfeed your toddler supplementing with an all raw, organic diet of home-grown beets and kale?)? Does that turn you off of motherhood?

I’m not writing off having kids.  Who knows, a year from now I could be gigantically pregnant and decorating a nursery.  Or I could choose not to, and that’s ok.  I’ve never done anything in my life in any typical fashion… and I’m sure having (or not having) kids will be done in the same, dramatic, atypical flair.


Oh… my… goodness.  It is freezing here! My poor little fingers feel like ice! And it’s still only September.  I hope this isn’t a sign of what’s to come this winter!
Yesterday was a busy day.  I made an early morning trip with my mom to source some fabric that I desperately needed, and I am happy to say I am now well stocked up on lace.  We did a little shopping, and my mom treated me to a belated birthday present – an E-Reader! I’ve wanted an e-reader for a while, but have been so busy I haven’t had time to read… last night I sat down and read for hours.  It felt great. I love my e-reader!! After our shopping trip, we went to a baby shower for my cousins wife, and I got to see some family that I don’t get to see very often, which was nice.  
Today my dad and Dan finished up trimming our new doors.  I cannot believe what a difference the doors make.  The front door is gorgeous, with beautiful leaded glass.  Next weekend we will paint up the trim, and take some pictures!
While they worked away, I got some sewing done, and prepared a pile of bras that just now need straps and some finishing.  I also got some photos of my flannel undies on a model.  I cannot begin to express how much I love these panties.  The are so comfortable and so cozy in cool weather.  I can’t wait to try these babies out camping next summer! 
Heather Grey

Navy & Vanilla

Flannel Everything!

I love winter.  I am able to walk to most of my daily destinations, so I don’t have the stress of driving through snowstorms.  Winter is so pretty, and the town where I live looks just like a Victorian postcard when blanketed with a fresh layer of snow.  To me, there is nothing more perfect than a snowy, winter day; peaceful and quiet.
Perfect Winter Knickers 
I used to hate winter, mainly because I hate being cold.  However, I have mastered the fine art of dressing in layers, and now I barely flinch at a snowy winter walk.  These flannel knickers are definitley going to be making some serious rotation in my lingerie drawer.   They are so soft and comfortable, fitted enough to wear under a tight pair of jeans, and they really add some extra warmth.
My favorite lumberjack plaid 

My favorite of the bunch! Navy with White Polka dots.


To cut down on bulk, I finished many of these off with small satin rosettes.  I’m going to be adding a satin bra in black & ivory to mix and match with these bottoms.  I can’t wait to get some shots on a model to show you how adorable these look on!


Ruffley, Corsety, Sexy.

I just came in from being outside with Oliver and is it ever cold! Which is super exciting to me because I have been dying to layer up the socks and leggings and all of the fun new clothes I’ve bought!  I am loving my  new wardrobe, but the problem is, now I’m addicted again.  I don’t want to stop shopping… I still “need” a new pair of jeans (or two).
Anyway, This is another special request piece I did.  It was a fun piece to sew.  It is my high waist pattern, but cut into a thong at the back. It is made of stretch satin and stretch mesh, with satin ruffles, and lacing tape up the side front.  Lacing Tape is awesome.  The good stuff is expensive, but it is so much easier and neater than applying your own grommets (I hate applying grommets!).  A word of warning about lacing tapes.  I have used lacing tapes that have grommets applied through cheap leatherette or too-thin twill tape and the grommets pop out.  I’ve found that with lacing tape, if you are using it on any garment where there will be tension on the laces, invest in good lacing tape.  
I am going to finish this pair up with garters, then they will be on their way to their owner!

Okay! I am off to sew, watch documentaries on Sasquatch, and enjoy a day at home after a stressful day at work yesterday…

Special Requests

Special request orders are some of my favourite.  It gives me the opportunity to sew something a little different.  After a while, sewing the same several pairs of panties can get tedious!  I always enjoy sewing something new!
I’ve sewn this style of bra before, but in cottons.  It is based off of a pattern that I have from the 1940’s for a bandeau swimsuit top.  The pattern itself is incredibly simple, and would be easy for anyone to reproduce at home with little drafting skills involved.  Adding elastic, and a bra hook at the back updates the piece, and the elastic makes it a little more comfortable than just a hemmed edge. 
I think the gathers work nicely on the satin, and gives it a real sense of dimension.  I really love this piece and hope to make one for myself, but in black (because I practically am always in black) with straps.

Hot Chocolate

I’m a hot chocolate fiend.  I love the stuff, especially the kind with the little hard marshmallows.  I made my own marshmallows and hot chocolate last year, but to be honest, I prefer the Carnation brand stuff 🙂
I bought this chocolate brown stretch charmeuse about a month ago.  I really love the richness of the colour. I paired it with creamy, vanilla coloured Venice Lace Appliques and satiny trim.  It reminds me of marshmallows swirling in hot chocolate.

I got up a little extra early today…. extra early being 5am.  I feel like I’ve had a head start on my day, already responding to emails and finishing up some sewing.  I’m sure I’ll be exhausted by noon!

A sneak peek!


I’ve been oh so quiet lately, busy filling orders (my hands ache from cutting and sewing!), but also working on some new pieces.  I wanted to give this sneak peek to show off the beautiful Venice Lace Appliqués I received recently! I absolutely love these!

Wardrobe Blahs…

If you didn’t know better, you might just think that was a photo of me above.  
I have had wardrobe challenges lately.  As you know, I work in an office 4 days a week.  It isn’t a normal office though… I work with one other person (my boss), and never have to deal with the public, therefore there is no dress code at work, and my boss often will arrive in her “comfies.”
I also walk to work, and in the winter, it get damn cold here in Canada (but is freaking sweltering in the summer).  I slowly became accustomed to layering on the sweat pants over leggings, the Sorrel Boots, wool work socks, my big black parka, a toque, and big ugly mitts.  I’m old enough to appreciate warmth.  Well, that dressing for practicality never really left after the snow melted, and I’ve found myself wandering to work in sweats, yoga pants, and once I didn’t even get changed out of my pyjamas (granted my pyjamas were yoga pants). No one even noticed.
I never used to be like that.  I took pride in my appearance, and loved getting dressed in the morning, especially when I had new clothes! I always wore a nice outfit when I was going out in public. The thing is… since I moved to the small town where I now live, there is no where to buy a decent outfit! There are a few stores geared towards ‘tweens, but my curvy physique just won’t work there, then there are stores geared towards the more mature lady, but I’m just not ready to wear knitted sweaters with ducks on them and matching corduroy pants. I’ve resorted to the occasional splurge at Zellers, or a trip to Goodwill now and then.  I’ve also been so busy with everything going on in my life, that things like hair cuts, and trying on clothes has really been put on the back burner.  I think I’m going a year since my last haircut at this point…
Earlier this week I decided I needed a change.  I need new clothes.  New clothes that fit and that I actually like, not just clothes that “work”.  I always told myself I’d just make some new clothes… when I found some time.  I’m realizing now that I’m probably not going to have that time for the next 30 or so years… 🙂
So, I splurged and bought myself a bunch of new clothes online.  I tried to find things that are comfortable, practical, stylish, and can easily be mixed and matched with basics in my wardrobe.
When I shopped just to get clothes that “worked” I found I’d come home with a bunch of bits and pieces, but no concise outfits.  I think over the last 3 years of living in a small town, with no where to practice my shopping skills, I’ve really forgotten how to shop.
Does anyone else have these challenges? When you work from home and/or in an office where sweats are ok, it is hard for you to pull yourself together and put on a real outfit?

Where do you buy clothes on line? Do you know of any hidden gems? I’m dealing with an independent designer/secretary budget remember 🙂

I’m hoping I can stick to it as well as I have stuck to keeping my studio organized!

Fall Preview

Yesterday I actually called in sick to work.  I very rarely call in sick, but I had the worst migraine I’ve had in a while, complete with any icky stomach… the migraine seems to be sticking around today.  I think my body is adjusting to the weather changes, and it is unhappy.
I, on the other hand, am happy to welcome fall.  The heat is getting to me lately so I am enjoying the cooler weather.  This weekend I made a little time to put up some fall decorations, including some hanging baskets of mums and two fall planters by the front door.  
I also worked on these! These are a brand new cut for me, french knickers that are high cut on the leg, and low on the waist.  

This pair is made of charcoal, grey & red plaid cotton, which is brushed on one side so it is super soft.  I added contrasting pewter satin around the legs.  There is something really lovely about the contrast between the brushed cotton and the silkiness of the satin that just feels so good!

I will be making a few of these in different fabric combinations, as well as some solid bras to match.

Two Months Later…


Ugh… I feel sick just thinking about it. How on earth did I ever get anything done? How did I keep track of anything? How did Dan not lose me behind that mountain of fabric and sewing pattern pieces?

 Well, I am happy to report, that two months after my clean & organize-fest, my sewing space looks a little something like this:

It has remained relatively neat, tidy, and usable.  It is so nice to finally have a real “place” for all of my stuff.  I have a home for my piles of satin, a box for all of my thread, a drawer for all of my foldover elastic… When I need something, I know right where to get it, and where to put it back when I’m done.  I had moved so much over the last 8 years of my life that I never bothered really setting up a system for my stuff.  Now that we are settled in the house, it is so nice to find a real place for all of my stuff!