I have a hard time following instructions…
I started my Christmas Crafting Planning on Saturday, picking up a soap-making kit, and some cotton yarn to knit dish clothes (I am also going to do felted dryer balls). I started my dish cloths on Saturday Night.
The pattern went as follows:
Cast on 3 Stitches
Next Row: Knit
2nd Row: Knit 1, Increase into next Stitch, Knit to end of row
Follow Last Step.
This is how I read the instructions:
Cast on 3 Stitches.
Next Row: Knit
2nd Row: Knit 1, Increase…. yeah yeah, blah blah, I get it…
Obviously, I wound up with a large, scalene triangle. I took out my stitches, laughed, and started all over again.
I rarely follow the crafting rules – I prefer to figure it out by myself and there is a huge bonus to this! When you figure out the steps by yourself, you have a better understanding of how and why, and you develop your own techniques. Sure… you might sometimes end up with a triangular dish cloth or a skirt that’s too short, but crafting is way more fun when you abandon the rules – and as the workroom manager at the very fancy custom drapery shop where I used to work taught me, EVERYTHING IS FIXABLE!
I love sewing, it’s not work, it’s fun, it’s a puzzle, it’s free-flowing-creativity! And, that’s my two cents…
I had an amazingly productive weekend. I cut and assembled 10 pairs of ruffle bloomers, 6 bras, and 1 camisole. Phew… Now it’s off to a week of Day-Jobbing, and House Hunting. We have passed up on the chance to put an offer on the old house. It was lovely, but didn’t feel like “home.”