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Wedgewood Blue.


It felt good to finally sew something new this weekend! It’s been so long since I’ve sewn something new!
I went shopping with my mom for her dress for the wedding on Saturday, then spent some time in lovely downtown Orillia, antique shopping. I found some lovely antique doilies, and a vintage book for Dan.
This morning while I was picking up fabric for custom orders, I came across this wedgewood blue, silk-cotton voile. It’s so light and airy. I inset the doily into the back, for a little peek a boo, and added satin ties. The crochet elastic ribbon matches the doily perfectly!
Dan and I also made 2 chalk boards for the wedding which I will write and post pictures about some other time.
Tomorrow will be a busy day. The weather is ridiculously hot, and I’m jumping in a cold shower every few hours for relief.
I might have some exciting news at the end of the month. So stay tuned!

Post Camping Bliss


Dan and I went on an over night camping trip this weekend to Arrowhead Provincial Park, with my aunt, two cousins, and 2 little ones. We had such a nice time, and went on a nice long walk through the bush to the most beautiful water fall on Sunday afternoon. I absolutely love camping.
We’ve decided that because finances are a little tricky right now due to our work situation, we are going to forego a traditional honeymoon, and instead, just pack up the car and head north and camp in random places for the week, or however long we feel like staying.
I’ve gotten so much done the last few days. This morning I woke up at 5:30 and worked for 3 hours before heading to my day job… I’m now at work taking a little breather, preparing to go home in a few hours, print my last 6 wedding invitations, and spend some time with my cuddley pug.
I also wanted to thank everyone who commiserated with me on my last few blog posts. It’s nice to feel like I’ve got people “on my side” in tough times, and I really appreciate the comments. I can’t wait until the day when I look back on this time of my life and smile at how we got through it…
Just like I smile and think fondly of my life when I was in college – living in that cockroach and bedbug infested apartment in Toronto… the one that I learned, the first night I moved in, that was beside a very noisy and frequently used train. The one with the Rastafarian next door neighbor. I ate nothing but dollar store Sidekicks pasta for nearly 2 years! And I feel like a better person for having done it.
I’d love to know your stories… is there a situation that you persevered through and now look back upon fondly?

My mistakes come in 3’s… sometimes exponentially


Jeez, what a week. I can’t believe how much my life has changed in just one, measly week. Sure, there is still a lot of good… but I’m still reeling. Reeling and sleep-deprived.

And to top it off, it appears I’ve been a terrible seamstress, making a romper too short and a bathing suit in the wrong fabric. I think this time, I can honestly say it, I NEED TO TAKE A VACATION! Our week-long honeymoon can’t come soon enough. I can’t wait to have some time to clear my head.
Lots of good things and not so good things have happened so far this year. I got engaged and will be married in two months. My dad had a heart attack and my grandmother passed away. Dan lost his job and we lost the house we had almost purchased. I’ve nurtured a small business into something that is thriving… slightly beyond my control at the moment. I changed jobs, and taught my dog to stand on his hind legs and turn in a circle. I’m pretty proud of that.
People keep telling me that “these things happen for a reason.” I can’t help but wonder what that reason might be. I can handle the things I can rationalize – a sewing mistake made because I was rushing to fulfil orders. I can fix this – I can remake this – I can refund someone their money. I am good at handling these things!
I can’t wrap my mind around the negative things that are going on that seem to be happening without reason or recourse. I’m losing sleep and have completely lost my ability to focus. I want to just throw my hands up and walk away from everything… pitch a tent in the woods and stay there ’till winter. I’m getting worse at handling these things.
I do my best to stay calm and collected and I am go through the motions and smile politely and say “We will get through this bump in the road.” But what I really want to do is throw a tantrum and say “I’m sick of bumps in the road” and give the universal force that controls life a big middle finger. Take THAT life! Take THAT all the things you’ve thrown my way the last 8 years – mental illness, drug addictions, courts and jails, family suffering, hospitals and psych wards, struggle, pawn shops, cheating, lying… Though I know rationally these struggles are no worse or better than anyone else’s, that I’ve been blessed with a wonderful family who survives struggle fiercely and is a force to be reckoned with, a dog who knows just when I need a snuggle and how to make me laugh, and (soon to be) husband who loves me to pieces and would do anything for me.
This just happens to be life, no fault of anyone or any cosmic force. An average struggle of a life, no better or worse than any one else’s, that is speckled with simple, beautiful blessings.



I’ve Finally gotten on top of all of my Heartsy orders. Something I learned over that whole process is that 50 orders on top of a full time job, plus wedding and life was a little too much. But I did it, and despite a postal strike, most of my orders got out on time and met any necessary deadlines.
Now, that the house is out of the picture and I’ll be sitting tight in our apartment in the middle of the parking lot for the rest of the summer, I can focus on new goodies, instead of gardening, and painting… I started photograph my “Design Your Own” collection a week or so ago and am now getting around to editing the photos. Which reminds me, I really need a better camera.
I’m still really sad about the house, even though I know we’ll find another just as nice. I’m mostly angry about the position and how Dan was let go without remorse, feeling, or an “I’m sorry, I know it’s a bad time.” The worst part is that what happened is completely legal. It’s hard to fire someone with cause, so in reality, you can be let go with very little notice for no reason whatsoever! I find this particularly funny because you cannot be approved for a mortgage in the probationary period of a job because you can be let go at any time. Well, you can be let go at any time, all you need is a week per full year in notice. That meant for Dan, who was there just under 3 years, only 2 weeks notice. Two weeks when you have hundreds of tens of thousands of dollars hanging over your head is nothing.
My favourite thing about living in a small town, especially living in a small town with a big family who knows everyone, is that I know karmic justice will be served via word of mouth. And that’s all I can hope for. I will continue to live a right and just life, and speak only the truth. Dan and I will be sitting pretty on our high horses, and good things will come to us…
They’ve got to eventually, right?

Advice Needed.


We had to back out of the house negotiations. Dan was given a termination notice at work on Saturday. We were ready to move in on the 30th.

Here’s what gets to me. His employer knew he had been looking for a house, that he was going to put an offer on a house, that we did, in fact put an offer on a house, that we were scheduling the home inspection… and it wasn’t until money had transferred hands that the boss-man decided to give him a note that reads:
“Your services are no longer required as of July 16th.”

No reason, just the shortest requirements of the law. Two weeks notice. No explanation, no “I’m sorry, I know this is a bad time.” This is a prime example of how this company treats its employees. And I would know! I worked there for a year (you may remember the naked lady posters in the lunch room)! I find it particularly surprising that they would want to fire one of their licensed mechanic during the busiest season. Hmm…
It is sad that the most senior employee, only 1 of 2 employees with a license would be treated with such disregard.
Dan was promised raise when he finished his final block of schooling… they said, “When you get back from school, you’ll get a raise.” He got back from school, then it was “When you write your test, you’ll get a raise.” Dan wrote his test and passed with flying colours, “When you get the certificate in the mail, you’ll get your raise.” Got the certificated, put it in a frame on the wall. Next it was, “You broke something in the shop, you won’d get your raise until that is paid off with the money you would have earned from your raise.” At this point I knew we should have called the labour board. There was no tabulation that Dan was aware of to calculate the ‘paying off” of the debt. We are both pretty sure that raise should have come into effect on Monday.
The best part about the raise? It was only going to bump him up $1.50.
This is just the beginning of the problems the both of us had with this place. I will just brush over the others – fighting to get a half an hour break during 11 hour shifts, overtime in addition to 11 hour shifts, low wages, bullying from management, poor work conditions in the summer – it was too expensive to run the air conditioning, even in days when the temperatures creeped over 30 degrees Celsius.
I am so angry, so very angry about the way people are being treated at this place. Dan will find another job, and it won’t be hard to find one that is better than where he is coming from, but the things these guys put up with. And our postal workers were just striking over reduced vacation time, job safety, and maintaining an $19/hr starting rate! Dan and I could only dream of $19/hour working there! Mechanics must have a higher work-place injury rate than Postal Workers. These are the people who need unions.
So, I’m pissed that I had to call the real estate agent and say “guess what, that financing we said we had, we’re not going to get it any more!” We will get our initial deposit back, but will probably miss out on the house we fell in love with. It’s a slap in the face to Dan as well. He devoted a lot of time and energy to that place… I know it will be for the best in the long run and all of those consoling things, but I really thing this is an unfair way to treat a person, and that the minimums in the Employment Standards Act SUCK. Any advice would be appreciated.

I’ve been MIA


I’ve been missing from the web for the last few weeks because…

We have put in an offer on a house. Buying a house is quite involved! We have been busy getting everything arranged to potentially move in on August 1st!
This means Ohhh Lulu will soon have more space, but also means I’m going to become even slower over the next month or so, between the wedding and moving. But, once it’s all done, I can focus!
The house has a beautiful back yard, is right near the lake, a short walk to down town… it is in need of some “updating” but is perfect for the two of us.
Also, today is my birthday! And Canada Day, so I will be enjoying parades, cake, and a bonfire later on today. Happy Canada Day to everyone! Wear a maple leaf for me.

Coming Soon! And the postal strike…


I have been working like a dog lately, but we made some time to fit in a camping trip this weekend. We stayed up past midnight, talking around the camp fire then snuggled down in our sleeping bags, zipped together. It was so relaxing and wonderful, I wish I could have stayed another night.
There is currently a Postal Strike in the Great White North; while there have been labour disruptions for 2 weeks now, postal workers were locked out of the job last week. So, I have a dozen packages sitting here, waiting to be shipped, and three sitting at the post office, having been dropped off the day before the strike.
I am ALMOST caught up with all of my heartsy orders, and only have 8 more orders left to fill. Pretty soon I’m going to be posting some NEW items, plus a couple Design Your Own ruffle bloomer listings. I am going to offer a choice of 3-4 fabrics for your base, 3-4 fabrics for your ruffles, the option of self bows, ribbon bow, or buttons, and elastic options as well. It will allow you to have completely customized, one-of-a-kind just for your bloomers! I am excited to start working on the listing and spent a good chunk of time today in my local fabric store..

Wedding Update


My wedding is coming up fast.

I will be “Vacationing” my Etsy shop on August 27th and re-opening on September 17th. Orders placed before the 1st of August will be guaranteed for summer delivery.

Busy Bee Back to the Day Job


I’m not sure how much I would have to accomplish to make myself feel like I had been productive enough…
I sewed, in three days, 3 rompers, 3 bras, 4 panties, 1 chemise, made 10 handmade thank you cards. And I still wish I had done more!
I met our caterer this morning; he is nice and gave me a lot of helpful pointers. I need all the help I can get! I’ve only ever been to 3 or 4 weddings in my life; I feel pretty clueless.



I took last Friday and Today (Monday) off of work to sew and do some wedding planning and general life maintenance that I have been neglecting. I got my first hair cut in over a year on Monday, took the dog to the vet for his heart worm check up, sewed like a mad woman, cleaned then made everything messy again, and am meeting with the caterer today.

Wedding planning has not been horrible for me. I’ve enjoyed the process… but I’m ready for it to be over. Day job + Ohhh Lulu + Wedding + Life is getting to be too much for me, I hate to admit it. I feel like I’m running out of hands to juggle with!
We were supposed to go to Quebec to visit Dan’s Grandmother next weekend but plans fell through. I was looking forward to being away from my computer for a few days…
Today I’m finishing up 5 more orders. I have not had time to start on anything new, unfortunately… I’m looking forward to getting some new items up soon (I hope) and am talking to someone about a wholesale deal for a little boutique in Europe…
I guess I’m getting stressed because the minute I check 5 things off my do to list, I think of 5 more to replace them.
How do you balance life? When do you draw the line and decide you need to cut something out of the mix? I like everything I am doing right now, but I am tired! And in need of a vacation…
Dan and I are planning on spending our honeymoon in this cabin (hopefully) in Algonquin Park. No running water, flush toilets or showers… it’s pretty rustic, but it will be nice to get back to nature for a few days. September can’t come soon enough! I can’t wait to get away…