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Me Made May – Cynthia Rowley Dress + Fabric HELP!

This is the second time I’ve used this pattern, and I really like it.  Its quick and easy to sew, and doesn’t use a ton of fabric.  I was able to cut this remnant of blue and black jersey I’ve had for a while, trimmed with some black organic cotton jersey.

I’m really happy with the dress, and I’ve worn it twice BUT after washing it, the blue and black jersey is starting to “tear” along the stitching lines.  I used a ball point needle and serged my seams, so I’m not sure what’s happening.  Maybe it was just a cheap fabric? Has this ever happened to you?  I really love this dress, and I’d like to be able to save it!

Quietly Participating in Me Made May

I’ve been quietly participating in Me Made May… somewhat unintentionally.  I made a Lydia top at the end of March, and really loved the fit…. then I made two more Lydia  tops because the first one was making such frequent rotation in my daily wardrobe. I forgot how much I love to wear handmade clothing! Sounds funny, but I often get so busy sewing for other people (and I love to do it), that I wind up wearing the same old department store stuff I’ve had for years.
Yesterday I sewed these Built By Wendy Shorts.  I made absolutely no alterations to them and they fit perfectly.  The fit close under the seat, so no gaping, perfect around the hips and thighs, and I can never find pants that right properly around my thighs!  They are just perfect.  My absolute favourite pant pattern.

The pants have front pockets, back decorative flaps, belt loops and a fly front (I am embarrassed to say I looked at the fly pieces and couldn’t for the life of me remember how to install a fly!).  The shorts still need a buttons on the front and back, but other than that they are done.
I used a metallic linen that I’ve had in my stash for a bout a year.  I bought this fabric on clearance for about $3 a meter.  I really love the pink, brown and gold tones, feels slightly safari-ish to me.
And of course I had to make a top to match.  I used up a remnant of rayon slub jersey and made a gathered camisole, which I am wearing today.


I’ve had this pattern in my stash for ages… It was handed down to me, along with half a dozen 1950’s knitting patterns, by my aunt. The knitting patterns are lost in a box somewhere (I hate moving!), but I dug out this pattern and altered it into a blouse.

I cut the pattern out of black chiffon and black lace. I’ve never sewn with a pattern this old before… I was pretty impressed with how complicated the pattern was. Lost of fun corners and curves, it was nice to sew something that was kind of challenging!

I’m not sure that this is something I’ll eve really wear… though I do think I might wear it out sometime with a pencil skirt or something, tucked in. I find I never dress up anymore.

While I was at my parents for Thanksgiving yesterday I found an old costume I had made for a display at a store I
worked at in College. I was actually pretty impressed with myself (and more impressed that wit
h a little sucking in, I could still fit into it!). So, I have solved the dilemma of “what to wear for Halloween” though Dan is still without a costume.

We had a nice, quiet Thanksgiving with my parents this year… lots of good food, and we all ate too much, especially Dan, which always impresses my dad. I think he’s just a little jealous he can’t eat like that anymore!

Today we are finishing off our long weekend just kicking around the house, walking the dog, enjoying our nice warm apartment. Tomorrow, I am going browsing for wedding dresses. I am scared and excited and prepared for an exhausting day!



I stayed home with a headache and upset stomach today… I am feeling better, just wiped out which is funny because I slept for nearly 12 hours straight.

When I woke up I worked a little more on my get to Orillia plan, then finished this ruffled set. The panties are actually shown from the back. I think that I’ve decided that I don’t like it very much. But that might be my bad mood talking.

Valentines Day


I finally got around to doing the finishing touches on my dress, after spending the morning doing some desperately needed organizing and cleaning!

Yesterday, we went to Ikea to pick out furniture for our imaginary future home. We tested sofas, tried out faucets, picked rugs we liked… I ended up leaving with a bunch of boxes to re-organize my fabric stash. It’s now all neatly stacked in my “sewing” corner, which doubles as my dining room.

This dress is made from a Butterick pattern, but somewhere along the line, I lost the facing pieces and had to re-draft them. I don’t know quite what I was thinking, but the facing in the underarm is only about three quarters of an inch long. Oopsie…

I like all the fiddly parts of sewing. I like sewing button holes by hand, binding seams, hand-sewing hems. I like a piece to look like I made it, with time and patience. I have been debating whether or not to pick up a serger… but I’ve decided that I like it when you flip a garment inside out and see a really nicely bound seam (please ignore my wobbly binding).