diy wedding

- Purchase the bunches of flowers for the table arrangements, which I am doing tonight.
- Alter 1 bridesmaids dress
- Hem 1 flower girls dress, and complete sewing the other
- Order the wine
- Confirm the guest count with the caterer
- Order the favors
- Complete the programs & birdseed bags based on final guest count
- Provide the DJ with a song list
- Purchase mason jars for the flower arrangements

I got to work on my wedding programs this year. I used blank greeting cards as my “cover”. They were on sale at Zellers (soon to be Target, which makes me sad) for $11 for 40. I picked up two and will use the left overs for Thank you Cards for my Shower.

I bound the booklets by punching a hole about 1″ down from the top and bottom edge, along the fold. This actually makes quite a nice binding. A word of warning – punches can be very sharp, and if you are punching while sleepy, you run the risk of punching nearly all the way through your finger-tip, like I did. Not pleasant. We stamped on paper bags for the front page title, cut them out roughly and made the corners fancy with a paper punch you can get at any craft star. All in all our programs cost us $45 – would have been less if I had already had a fancy corner punch… that cost about 1/4 of the cost of the invitations.

Dan and I did not get out to do any camping this weekend… instead I stayed home and filled a bunch of orders and finished a little sewing for the wedding.