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Ohhh Lulu

Now to start working on complete size runs…


I have not been nearly as productive as I have hoped these last few days off. I spent one day relaxing, one day running around with my mom, and I’m on my second day of sewing. I have a bunch of sewing I’d like to do for myself (like another pair of pants), but this is so much more fun.

I picked up a couple yards of this yummy black and pink polka dot satin. I tweaked around my bra pattern to be a three piece cup, as opposed to a two piece and it turned out really well! You can’t really tell from the picture, but the top of the bra cup is made of lace.

I also worked on this set (which is my favourite) of nude lace over black jersey. The bra is sooooo comfy and is going to become a part of my personal collection, but will be making more for sale. I slightly ruched the lace and topped it off with dusty rose ribbons.

I approached a local store owner about carrying a few of my pieces and she seemed super interested. So, my goal (after I make myself a new pair of pants) is to make some duplicates of my panties and bras, in different sizes.
So, in essence, my next day and a half is going to be terribly boring… so I am hoping I get some positive feedback from my new stuff to get me through the ho-hum.



I am feeling depressed as I said in my last post… so I made sure I was super productive today. I have been dreaming of these silk cuffs for a little while now and finally got around to making some. They turned out pretty and I am going to make one for myself to wear at work. The old Car Repair Shop uniform shirt is just a Tad (by a Tad I mean I hate it and want to burn it) bit unisex for me.

I also finished a pair of “peek a boo” panties that I started a few days ago. They have a heart shaped lace panel on the behind and look super cute on. A little cheesy, I admit, but I love cheese.

Lastly, I have been drooling over this leopard print jersey for weeks now and yesterday, it went on sale… so I bought 2 and a half meters and made some Bustle Panties to start.

Tomorrow it’s back to work… then engagement party, then working 52 hours over 5 days. I must admit, this whole moving back to my small town, shit job thing has been terribly humbling. I vowed I would never have a job that would require me to wear a uniform, and well… here I am.

New outfit for… myself.


All of my pants get the same hole; one just to the right of where the 4 crotch seams meet. I don’t know how it happens, but it has happened in my 2 favourite pairs of jeans.

So, I made myself new pants. I used a Burdastyle print at home pattern, which was pretty easy to use, though I think if I were a new sew-ist that this project may have been a little overwhelming. I didn’t read the instructions, but none of the pattern pieces were labeled which required some critical analysis (the pant legs are in 3 pieces which is a little unusual).

I sewed a little puff sleeve blouse to go with it (I lined the pockets and waist band in the same fabric as the blouse) . Here it is:

I like this pattern so much I am going to make some out of black twill next, since I have out grown my favourite old black pants, which doesn’t really matter anyway because I’m sure they would have gotten a hole in the crotch someday soon.
I’m feeling weirdly (though not unusually) depressed today. I should be excited, the engagement party is Saturday… though it just seems like a lot of work and clean up, then I have to work 52 hours next week at my day job (have I ever mentioned I hate my day job?). It’s cold outside, and frosty everywhere… and I am grumpy. I just want to crawl in a hole and ignore the world until spring. I’m stressed about money, about my future, about what I’m doing or not doing with my life… I’m stressed about my job, the upcoming party (I don’t feel very social lately). I’m just overall in a huff, and to top it off I feel guilty because I should be super stoked about all of the awesome things going on in my life. Le Sigh

Bra’s all over the place…


My day off is ending… but it has been a successful two days off. I don’t feel any more rested or relaxed, but I do feel good knowing that I am at least pushing Ohhh Lulu in some direction (hopefully a good one).

This is what I’ve done… all on Etsy, of course.

Now I wait for Dan to come home from work… then we are having dinner out! So excited to not have to cook!

Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens…


We have made it the the 1960’s in our “Oscar’s Best Picture Movie Marathon”, and are working our way through many, many musicals. Last weekend we watched The Sound of Music, which we were both dreading. However, I was pleasantly surprised and actually really enjoyed it (though I admit I fell asleep just before the end, but this is my normal habit), especially after sitting through My Fair Lady (great costumes though).

The Baroness wore a really amazing top in the scene where she first comes to meet the Von Trapp family.

I decided I would make it, since it looked pretty simple and I have a ton of silk dupioni waiting to be used. Here are the results:

It is just a basic blouse block with a slightly widened neck line. I took the darts out of the back and added 1″ overlap for buttons up the back. Turned out pretty fun and versatile. I like to wrap the long ribbons around my waist and tie the bow in the back.

Busy Sunday…

Today was a busy day… I ran out of black thread at 9 am and had to wait 3 hours for the fabric shop to open up… So, I visited with my Mom for a few hours then sewed like a maniac to make up for lost time. I also got a couple of new things up on Etsy.

Afterwards I made a Chicken Pot Pie (gluten free!), which I immediately burnt my tongue on (it was that good).

So, it has been a very busy Sunday. Whipped up two pairs of panties, visited the parental units, played with Oliver, cooked a pie from scratch, and Photoshopified some pictures. Now to relax with a glass of cider and my wonderful fiancee…

Gettin’ ‘er done…


I wish I had gotten more done today than I ended up getting done… I returned a 4 year old modem to Rogers to close an account that had apparently gone to collections (eep!!!), which fixed that whole mess. I listed three items on Etsy, and finished the soft bra as shown below. I also printed a bunch of Ohhh Lulu labels, and finished a black and leopard print pair of panties (which I’ve decided I don’t like as much as I had thought I would) based off of a 1960’s pattern. Left on the “to do” list is a cape (for myself for winter), and some more photos of a couple of other things. I hope the Etsy thing goes well… I used to sell on Ebay when I was in college and actually did really well… I know I could use the extra money.

Yesterday Dan called around to find and officiant for our wedding. We are meeting with a “secular humanist officiant” on Halloween day. In my mind, I’m already sold! I think that we have all of the most major Wedding decisions made: wedding parties are chosen, venues are booked, and we soon will have someone to marry us. Now it’ll just be fun stuff, like flowers and dresses!

To end the day, I think I must have somehow glutened myself and am feeling like I will soon be in extreme pain. Oh… why me?



I’ve been sick all weekend (Thanksgiving weekend!). I made this nightie a few days ago and I sure was happy to snuggle up in it, and a blanket yesterday after wedding dress shopping. I felt like I had been run over by several, large trucks.

I feel mostly better, but am still dealing with sniffles and hot and cold flashes…

I bought the fabric that I used for this nightie ridiculously cheap, in the clearance section of the local fabric store. I think it was $3 or $4 a meter. I bought a ton and have cut out a bunch of bralettes and panties out of it, to be trimmed with yellow lace (please excuse the pile of shoes in this picture!).

Anyway, instead of trimming this nightie with lace like suggested, I just used a band of self fabric to finish the edge. It is SO comfortable, the fabric is so soft, kind of heavy and drapey (really nice jersey). I want to wear nothing but this… and wedding dresses.

Tomorrow is back to work, sadly… though I must admit I’m looking forward to getting back to my knitting – I should be able to finish my last sock by the end of the day! I never heard back from the flower shop so a-job-hunting I will go again. I am still thinking about just applying to school and worrying about how to pay for it later…

But for now, I do have goodies to post on Etsy as soon as I get some “in action” photos. I just don’t know quite how to do it. I was browsing some other sellers photos of panties and the like… and I was a little disappointed with the amount of scary thin, too young, too La Senza a lot of it was. So I will need to think about this some more.. But, for now I have these: