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Retro Lingerie

Two New Sets!


I found a seersucker plaid that, I swear, is exactly the same fabric that I had a shirt made out of when I was just a kid. I wore that shirt to the Oro Worlds Fair (yes, an honest to goodness Worlds fair), in the parade that kicked off the ceremonies. I love that shirt. I still remember, my mom tied a ribbon in my hair that day!

I added little navy floral ruffles to the hip (I don’t think I can sew anything without a ruffle), and navy floral flaps to the bra.
I think it turned out really cute, and it totally reminds me of a country fair. Speaking of which, I must make an effort to go to the Oro Worlds Fair this year! I am thinking about lining the bottoms and making the sample into a swimsuit for myself. I lined the cups in super-soft jersey so the bra could be worn alone.

I have also been eyeing this fabric for a while now… It is soft, gauzy, and the perfect shades of blue with an accent of red. I should have bought more because I would really like to make a summery dress out of it. It is light as air!
I added little tiny blue bows to the hip, at the side seam. I used the prettiest fold-over elastic. I like to use fold-over elastic the best, but find it hard to source locally. It finishes so much nicer. This one in particular has a picot edge, and a little bit of iridescent glitter – it completes the sea side look.
I’ve listed these in my Etsy shop at separates and a set! The serger is making my life so much easier, I’m not sure how I ever survived without it. I can sew a set so much faster than I could before.

Polka dots Forever!


I am finally getting some sewing done after a most wonderful Holiday break. Dan and I spent New Years in – I cooked a terribly dry turkey and some gravy that would have better passed for Flubber – but it was wonderful, and we stuffed ourselves and had the best New Years (in my opinion) ever!

I finished up this romper this morning, after a quick run out to the post office to send out goodies and do some other errands. I was afraid, half way through this project, that it was turning out a little clownish, but I think it’s turned out pretty cute!

I have high hopes for Ohhh Lulu this year and am really hoping I can make it my full time job.
Also, lets not forget, I am getting married this year! I am at a standstill with the planning… we have booked a venue, caterer, picked our bridal party, chosen the person to marry us… now I don’t know what to do! I haven’t even thought about the wedding in a couple of months and I’m afraid I’m going to get super behind… I’m finding this whole process way too easy which makes me think that I must be doing something wrong!

Leopard Print Romper

I love fun things to wear to bed… though I have to admit with the cold weather coming this Romper isn’t probably the most practical but pretty nonetheless!

I made this with the nicest weight of jersey I have laid my hands on in a long time, and I am a total sucker for anything leopard. It is so soft and stretchy and comfortable! I added snaps to the crotch and little pink bows at the side seams. This is going to be one of Ohhh Lulu’s newest offerings (but this particular one is for me).
I finished up two of my orders today, including this padded lace and jersey bra. I am loving the light padding so, so much. I wish I had time to make some for ME! I haven’t had a new bra in ages!!!

Yesterday was the One of a Kind Show, which was awesome! I am doing all of my Christmas Shopping there next year. I picked up two things for Dan, and something for my soon-to-be sister in law and her husband, as well as something special for my mom. My mom surprised me with this beautiful, hand scuplted miniature pug. It is so life like and looks just like my Oliver. I am so in love with it and will cherish it forever.

Bra’s all over the place…


My day off is ending… but it has been a successful two days off. I don’t feel any more rested or relaxed, but I do feel good knowing that I am at least pushing Ohhh Lulu in some direction (hopefully a good one).

This is what I’ve done… all on Etsy, of course.

Now I wait for Dan to come home from work… then we are having dinner out! So excited to not have to cook!

Gettin’ ‘er done…


I wish I had gotten more done today than I ended up getting done… I returned a 4 year old modem to Rogers to close an account that had apparently gone to collections (eep!!!), which fixed that whole mess. I listed three items on Etsy, and finished the soft bra as shown below. I also printed a bunch of Ohhh Lulu labels, and finished a black and leopard print pair of panties (which I’ve decided I don’t like as much as I had thought I would) based off of a 1960’s pattern. Left on the “to do” list is a cape (for myself for winter), and some more photos of a couple of other things. I hope the Etsy thing goes well… I used to sell on Ebay when I was in college and actually did really well… I know I could use the extra money.

Yesterday Dan called around to find and officiant for our wedding. We are meeting with a “secular humanist officiant” on Halloween day. In my mind, I’m already sold! I think that we have all of the most major Wedding decisions made: wedding parties are chosen, venues are booked, and we soon will have someone to marry us. Now it’ll just be fun stuff, like flowers and dresses!

To end the day, I think I must have somehow glutened myself and am feeling like I will soon be in extreme pain. Oh… why me?



I’ve been sick all weekend (Thanksgiving weekend!). I made this nightie a few days ago and I sure was happy to snuggle up in it, and a blanket yesterday after wedding dress shopping. I felt like I had been run over by several, large trucks.

I feel mostly better, but am still dealing with sniffles and hot and cold flashes…

I bought the fabric that I used for this nightie ridiculously cheap, in the clearance section of the local fabric store. I think it was $3 or $4 a meter. I bought a ton and have cut out a bunch of bralettes and panties out of it, to be trimmed with yellow lace (please excuse the pile of shoes in this picture!).

Anyway, instead of trimming this nightie with lace like suggested, I just used a band of self fabric to finish the edge. It is SO comfortable, the fabric is so soft, kind of heavy and drapey (really nice jersey). I want to wear nothing but this… and wedding dresses.

Tomorrow is back to work, sadly… though I must admit I’m looking forward to getting back to my knitting – I should be able to finish my last sock by the end of the day! I never heard back from the flower shop so a-job-hunting I will go again. I am still thinking about just applying to school and worrying about how to pay for it later…

But for now, I do have goodies to post on Etsy as soon as I get some “in action” photos. I just don’t know quite how to do it. I was browsing some other sellers photos of panties and the like… and I was a little disappointed with the amount of scary thin, too young, too La Senza a lot of it was. So I will need to think about this some more.. But, for now I have these:

Things that I love right now…


I have been spending a ridiculous amount of time sewing these two pairs of french knickers. I suppose part of it has to do with the fact that I am hand sewing the lace gussets, and doing nice french seams and rolled hems… I’ve been working on them on and off since Friday. I think they are turning out really pretty. I hope other people think so too…

I have a bunch of plaid brushed cotton to make lumberjack-inspired panties out of with bits of Chantilly lace. And, on my most recent trip to Fabricland I found a beautiful piece of crinkled cotton with a vintage looking rose print on it. I can’t wait until I have time to sew it into a nice peg-top skirt or structured shrug or something.

Today has been another wonderful day, and I think that the common thread between all the wonderful days I’ve been having is that they coincide with the days that I do not work. Hmm…

I love my days at home. I cooked Dan breakfast this morning and was sure to break his yolks as is my usual habit (though not his preference). We watched a movie and I snuggled with Oliver. I made 99 meatballs and put some in the crock pot with sweet and sour sauce! I’ve thoroughly been able to enjoy my messy little kitchen lastley, baking bread and slow-cooking everything! I’ve browsed vintage sewing patterns, and hummed and hawed over fabrics… It rained most of the afternoon.
This is my favourite way to spend a Sunday.

Two Nights, Two Dresses, One Bra.


I received my vintage 1970’s lingerie pattern in the mail finally last Friday. Last night I got a chance to test out the pattern, and make a few tweeks. It’s a little pointy, but that’s how it’s supposed to be, and I kind of like it like that.

I now have a complete three piece set – the panties, camisole, and bra. I find this one, which has no stretch to it, a little tight on me. I’m going to make one in a jersey tonight, if I have time.

I did this as a bit of a test, so I used old bra fastenings and straps that I cut off an old bra (I have a lot of old bra’s just laying around). I kind of like the idea of recycling old hardware.

This week is going painfully slow. I’m getting more and more anxious to get up and go. The more I think about it, the more I realize I’m not getting any further ahead in my life by staying here. While I’m afraid of being out of work and struggling or being a burden on Dan or my family, I feel like it I’d basically be in the same position as I am now; I rely on them for quite a bit because my expenses in the city are so high. So… In order to make myself feel better, I’m going to play a game: “See how little you can spend!”

I know it sounds pretty boring… and down right awful, but if I’m going to be out of work, I want to have a bit of a nest egg set aside. So, on the menu for the next few weeks is dollar store pasta, microwave cake, and canned fruit. Mmm mmm… Let’s see how I do!

So, I’ve cut my cable, cut my going out expenses, stopped buying lunch, am going to sew my spring and summer wardrobe out of clearance only fabric (!), and will dollar store grocery shop. I feel like I’m back in college. But… my frugality will be worth it (I hope).



I stayed home with a headache and upset stomach today… I am feeling better, just wiped out which is funny because I slept for nearly 12 hours straight.

When I woke up I worked a little more on my get to Orillia plan, then finished this ruffled set. The panties are actually shown from the back. I think that I’ve decided that I don’t like it very much. But that might be my bad mood talking.