Hurray! I got some actual sewing done this weekend. I finished a custom order that (I hate to say) has been lingering on since November, and started a new piece, out of fabric that I purchased back in December. It felt good to do some real drafting and fitting.

I’m trying to source some wholesale fabric suppliers, but am having a hard time finding vendors with small minimums. I find myself too often going back to the fabric store to pick up a specific piece of fabric… only to find it gone!

The new line I am working on is going to be more simple and streamlined than my ruffle bloomer phase. While I don’t plan on retiring the ruffle completely… I am definitely moving it to the side lines. A girl can only sew so many ruffles.
Last night Dan and I went on a date… out for dinner, then to see Underworld in 3D (what a disappointment). Going to the movies is always like culture shock for us. We don’t watch TV, or read magazines, or listen to the radio, besides CBC (which is on all the time at our house and has no ads), so when we go to the movies and see the ads for movies like “Honeys 2″ and are forced to watch 5 minutes of commercials… it’s always quite a shock! My god! Mainstream media sucks!!! I sit there, during the ads with a shocked look on my face, thinking “REALLY? REALLY?!“ It’s no wonder people have such unrealistic expectations of body image, beauty, wealth & status. Everytime I go to the movies, I leave feeling like an old fuddy-duddy… like I’ve totally lost touch with “the times.”
And, I guess I have kind of lost touch… but I am so much happier this way!