I reluctantly decided upon parenthood. I was always more the “cool aunt” type but I’ve got to admit, I love being a parent and 3 year olds, despite their tantrums and attitude, are pretty awesome. One of the things I love most about having a kid, is sewing for kids!!!
When Izzy started potty training (glad that’s a thing of the past), I started making her her own undies (naturally). A couple years ago for Christmas, I made her up a bunch of matching cami and underwear sets. She really loved them and I did too. So recently, I decided to dive into the world of childrens pattern grading. I have ZERO experience grading for kids, so this was an endeavour for me!
The patterns aren’t quite ready yet, but they will be soon. I wanted to give a little sneak peek of what you can expect.
Izzy is kind of (ok, seriously) obsessed with YouTube videos. The other day she was quietly playing by herself, chatting away, when I caught her say “Let me know in the comments!” She was acting out her own little video. What a ham. So I asked her if she wanted to co-host one of mine, which she did. So, here it is. We talk about chickens. Izzy loves chickens. Our new puppy Leah also makes a guest appearance.

Speaking of puppy, look at her! I took a few photos a few weeks ago and she has already changed so much! Her ears are entirely pointy now and she’s getting quite the little personality. She’s a snuggler, but a bit bossy around Oliver. I’m looking forward to starting training classes with her soon.