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Underwire Bra: A Success Story!


I also made this bra this weekend.

It’s my first recent attempt at an underwire bra and this time it went great. I have to make two changes to the Kwik Sew Pattern that I used: The first change is adding elastic to the top, underarm of the cup and top of the band. The second is scooping the underarm down a bit lower, making the underwire casing a touch smaller, simply because I can’t find such long underwires.

This bra fits so good, and best of all, has no padding. Something I do not understand is why every bra from La Senza comes padded. D-Cups or larger do not require padding – God gave us all the padding we needed.

I’m so excited to sew a second of these then manipulate the pattern a bit. The whole process only took about 2 hours.

I am no longer a slave to La Senza…

Two Nights, Two Dresses, One Bra.


I received my vintage 1970’s lingerie pattern in the mail finally last Friday. Last night I got a chance to test out the pattern, and make a few tweeks. It’s a little pointy, but that’s how it’s supposed to be, and I kind of like it like that.

I now have a complete three piece set – the panties, camisole, and bra. I find this one, which has no stretch to it, a little tight on me. I’m going to make one in a jersey tonight, if I have time.

I did this as a bit of a test, so I used old bra fastenings and straps that I cut off an old bra (I have a lot of old bra’s just laying around). I kind of like the idea of recycling old hardware.

This week is going painfully slow. I’m getting more and more anxious to get up and go. The more I think about it, the more I realize I’m not getting any further ahead in my life by staying here. While I’m afraid of being out of work and struggling or being a burden on Dan or my family, I feel like it I’d basically be in the same position as I am now; I rely on them for quite a bit because my expenses in the city are so high. So… In order to make myself feel better, I’m going to play a game: “See how little you can spend!”

I know it sounds pretty boring… and down right awful, but if I’m going to be out of work, I want to have a bit of a nest egg set aside. So, on the menu for the next few weeks is dollar store pasta, microwave cake, and canned fruit. Mmm mmm… Let’s see how I do!

So, I’ve cut my cable, cut my going out expenses, stopped buying lunch, am going to sew my spring and summer wardrobe out of clearance only fabric (!), and will dollar store grocery shop. I feel like I’m back in college. But… my frugality will be worth it (I hope).

Head Tilt?


I caught Oliver in a near perfect head tilt last night.

I finished sewing a little dress, which I should be getting into instead of doing this right now… but I don’t have my priorities straight.

This dress was a nightmare, by the end I had ripped out the zipper three times, never got the fit quite right, and burned a hole in the back with my iron. Oh well, some dresses just weren’t meant to be.

I’m still going to wear it though; I’m going to wear it out of spite.

Really Good Weekend…


I finally took some pictures of my 3 month old Fish Tank. I just put a Chinese Algae Eater in, which you can kind of see in the corner. My guppy babies are finally starting to get some colour, which I’m excited about. They have black and yellow spotted tails!

I had one of the best weekends this weekend. Dan (who is still here) and I went out with my mom on Saturday, then to my parents for dinner, where we scouted out potential houses in the newspaper. Last night we stayed up and worked on thumbnails for banners, and re-decorated his guppy tank. This morning, we wandered downtown Orillia, then headed back here, where I actually managed to get some sewing done, and Dan worked on a business card layout for me! It is so handy having a mechanic who knows graphic design for a boyfriend!

While in Orillia, I picked up this heart print jersey. I remembered to grab the pedal for my mom’s amazing Pfaff and whipped up these; gathered-derriere panties.

The thing I love most about this sewing machine, besides the amazing stretch-stitches it does, is the embroidery stitches! Now I REALLY don’t want to go to work… I’ve got new stitches to try out!



I stayed home with a headache and upset stomach today… I am feeling better, just wiped out which is funny because I slept for nearly 12 hours straight.

When I woke up I worked a little more on my get to Orillia plan, then finished this ruffled set. The panties are actually shown from the back. I think that I’ve decided that I don’t like it very much. But that might be my bad mood talking.

Soft Bra for a Busty Girl


I spent the night sewing last night, and was able to try out that pattern I drafted earlier this week. I admit, it’s a little tight through the bottom, but that’s why we make prototypes!

The soft bralette is an adaptation of a vintage camisole pattern. I’ve always wanted one of those soft, delicate bras that tiny-chested girls get to wear. So, I’ve made this one with lots of elastic, thicker straps, and more room in the cup. It’s actually pretty comfy.

My sewing machine’s zig-zag stitch is acting up again… Sigh…

Today is Friday, the night before my last weekend with Dan. It’s a snowstorm outside, as you can see out the window in this picture, there is nothing but white. Somehow it feels fitting of my mood.

I was up most of the night last night worrying about money. I wish I had more time to sew some more and get some of these things up on Etsy… I wish the process was faster.

When I did manage to get some sleep last night I dreamed that my fish grew legs, and were crawling out of the tank, then attacking my dog. It was awful, and I felt a certain amount of unnecessary disdain towards my fish this morning. I have a hard time separating my dreams from reality sometimes.

Oliver is extra whiny this morning. I wish I could stay home with him today. I’m half considering calling in a snow day.

That probably wouldn’t go over so well.



I had a beautiful dream last night.

Actually, the real dream I had was weird and scary; my real dream involved a crazy stalker girl, who I met while knocking on doors asking if I could cook my ground beef in their kitchen.

The dream I had after that, while laying in bed trying to forget the stalker was this: I moved to Orillia and opened a store downtown. This has been a dream of mine since I was 14! Oh Lulu Studios – a place to sell my wares, offer classes, a workspace to sew. It was beautiful!

I thought: “I CAN DO THIS! THIS IS SOMETHING I CAN DO! THIS IS SOMETHING I CAN DO AND LOVE!” But, one little thing stands in my way…. Money. Considering I won’t be paying my Rogers or Hydro bill this month… maybe I need to come up with a plan of action.

Considering my expenses here in Toronto, I’d probably end up with more in the bank at the end of the month, working at Fabricland in Orillia and sharing a place with Dan, than living alone here and busting my butt at the Curtain Factory.

I finished this set over the weekend; it’s made of a printed eyelet cotton and ruffled pink mesh. The panties are the same as the first Gingham pair I made, but this time, cut on the bias, which makes them way more comfortable. Not sure why I didn’t think of this the first time.

I really don’t want to go to work. I say this every day. I am so tired of it…

Gingham Panties…


I had the worst craving for celery and Cheese Whiz today. I’ve been snacking on it all night, in between making these! Which aren’t quite finished yet… I need to still stitch down the “gusset” lining.

Turned out pretty cute (I love gingham), but also smaller than I intended. I better cut back a bit on the Cheese Whiz.

I started a pair of french knickers a few days ago, stupidly, out of dupioni. They flare out in all the wrong places and kind of look like nylon gym shorts. I need to pick up come charmeuse or something more appropriate.

Now… for just a little more Cheese Whiz before bed…

Retro Lingerie…


This project seemed to be doomed from the start…

About a year ago I found this vintage lingerie pattern. I opened it up today, thinking it would be an easy sew, however the pieces were all cut up and missing. I basically had to wing the lower half, but it worked out really well.

Anyway, I managed to re-draft the lower half as well as the lace inserts. I realized while doing it, I had completely forgotten how to draft a crotch seam. It worked out pretty well in the end, a little snug, but I think I can adjust the snaps…

The second and most major mishap occurred while I was pressing the back seam; My iron decided to spit rusty water all over the back. Luckily, little vinegar and water got it out eventually, and the whole thing turned out pretty darn cute.

Sometimes it seems like things are just destined to not work out… but you plough through it, and somehow, in the end, you wind up with a really cute vintage bodysuit.

I’m excited to wear this to bed tonight! I put it on this afternoon and felt like some kind of retro starlette. I’m excited about sleeping, not so excited about getting up and going to work tomorrow. Not so excited that I only have two more weeks with Dan here, before he has to go back to work. I really want to move, but getting all of the pieces in place seems to be more difficult than I had hoped. I miss home, my little sunshine city.

Valentines Day


I finally got around to doing the finishing touches on my dress, after spending the morning doing some desperately needed organizing and cleaning!

Yesterday, we went to Ikea to pick out furniture for our imaginary future home. We tested sofas, tried out faucets, picked rugs we liked… I ended up leaving with a bunch of boxes to re-organize my fabric stash. It’s now all neatly stacked in my “sewing” corner, which doubles as my dining room.

This dress is made from a Butterick pattern, but somewhere along the line, I lost the facing pieces and had to re-draft them. I don’t know quite what I was thinking, but the facing in the underarm is only about three quarters of an inch long. Oopsie…

I like all the fiddly parts of sewing. I like sewing button holes by hand, binding seams, hand-sewing hems. I like a piece to look like I made it, with time and patience. I have been debating whether or not to pick up a serger… but I’ve decided that I like it when you flip a garment inside out and see a really nicely bound seam (please ignore my wobbly binding).