I’m feeling rather “blah” this Valentines Day. To be completely honest, I had totally forgotten it was Valentines day until I checked Facebook.

Ooohhh… Look at my Valentines Day Present! Isn’t it pretty? I got this today at an auction sale, along with some other goodies (a lamp and a table). I’ve been trying to research this well-loved sewing machine all afternoon.
I bought the pattern for this blouse ages ago and have made several versions of it! I made this one yesterday out of the same fabric I made my bra out of.
I was really excited about this project, since it had a lot of “tricky” sewing, including the placket and the most unusual yoke-sleeve contraption I’ve ever seen in my life!
I never get as much done during the day as I intend to… I thought at first that I must be spending too much time “in between tasks” (in other words, slacking). So, I started writing down everything I do during the day to make sure I am making the most of my time! It turns out I waste a lot less time than I thought!
I purchased a huge lot of Vintage patterns off Ebay a few weeks ago, and received it early last week. It has some really special things in it, including a Betsy Johnson pattern from the late 1970’s. I really love the styling of 1970’s clothing – though I often dislike the original choice of fabrics. I am enjoying sewing these up in cottons and other natural fabrics.Maybe I am feeling extra inspired by the clothing of the ’70’s because we were into the 1970’s in our Oscar Movie Marathon. Last night I slept my way through The Sting but have thoroughly enjoyed The French Connection, The Godfather, and Midnight Cowboy and am really looking forward to watching Annie Hall again! It is one of my all time favourite movies – mostly because I think Annie Hall is a copy of myself.
I am super excited about this little jacket – I love the idea of the contrasting lapels and pointy cuffs. It looks very cute with a pair of dark, skinny jeans, but I am excited to make myself a pair of wide-legged pants to go with it. I bound all the seams in the contrast fabric, and added a sewn on facing to the back-neck to hide the collar seam around the neck opening. I really liked the faux-notched collar on this jacket, was really quick and easy to sew!I am also preparing for the give away I mentioned earlier – I should be posting a Great Big Official Give Away Post on Tuesday! Stay tuned!
Well, my two days off flew by, as usual. Back to work tomorrow. I am really hoping my New Years resolution comes to fruition quickly. I’m trying to decide what is worse… being terribly underemployed, or being unemployed… Every month, I cringe with regret when I pay my student loans. Surely I deserve more than to sweep the floor and scrub the toilet! Oh… I miss my old job….
So, I worked my butt off the last two days and sewed 5 (well 6, including the bodysuit) new items for my Etsy Shop.
I’ve been renewing my interest in Victorian Fashion lately… unearthing some old Victorian magazines that I had been collecting. This Chemise and Pantie set remind me of a delicate, Victorian woman’s under-things. Frothy with lace, crisp white.
I am looking forward to the Weekend already, even though mine doesn’t start until Saturday Evening. Our plans are to stay in and play some video games and follow up on our Oscar Movie Marathon!
Yesterday was the One of a Kind Show, which was awesome! I am doing all of my Christmas Shopping there next year. I picked up two things for Dan, and something for my soon-to-be sister in law and her husband, as well as something special for my mom. My mom surprised me with this beautiful, hand scuplted miniature pug. It is so life like and looks just like my Oliver. I am so in love with it and will cherish it forever.