We have made it the the 1960’s in our “Oscar’s Best Picture Movie Marathon”, and are working our way through many, many musicals. Last weekend we watched The Sound of Music, which we were both dreading. However, I was pleasantly surprised and actually really enjoyed it (though I admit I fell asleep just before the end, but this is my normal habit), especially after sitting through My Fair Lady (great costumes though).
The Baroness wore a really amazing top in the scene where she first comes to meet the Von Trapp family.

I decided I would make it, since it looked pretty simple and I have a ton of silk dupioni waiting to be used. Here are the results:

It is just a basic blouse block with a slightly widened neck line. I took the darts out of the back and added 1″ overlap for buttons up the back. Turned out pretty fun and versatile. I like to wrap the long ribbons around my waist and tie the bow in the back.